Who here is 100% happy with their current setup?

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How happy are you with your current setup?

  • 100% happy. You couldn't pry this stuff out of my cold, dead hands

    Votes: 61 100.0%
  • 75% happy. My tone rocks, but it's as though something is missing. Like a bottled fart, perhaps?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50% happy. My junk gets the job done.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25% happy. Fuck you and your corksniffitude! I'm EMO dammit, I don't have to sound good!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0%. I'm contemplating suicide since my setup sounds like a vulture tearing into a rotten badger.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Just curious. I'm pretty blissful with my setup; so much so that I've managed to not sell my Guytron for the past year and a half...
I was happy with my setup, but I got tired of it. Hopefully someone wants my stuff and I can get new gear..
Digital Jams":d1a28 said:
Research......buy......keep.....no regrets.

That's my philosophy :) Though I have to admit that the Guytron was a bit of an impulse buy... of course after doing the research :D
Amps I'm very happy with. I got an Ampeg VH140C last week that I am incredibly happy with. The high gain channel is evil as hell, but the cleans suprised me. It doesn't do mild crunch very well, but I modded the hell out of a Valve Jr. which crunches up real nice.

I can make due for now with my guitars. I won't be happy until I build my own.
I put 50% because I have 50% of my total rack setup completed. :cool:
I voted 100% happy. I love my quickrod through the VHT fatbottom. Both my guitars sound killer through it. The only thing I might add is a second cab with greenbacks if I ever join a band again and need a second cab.
Although I love my Racktifier, lately, I've kinda been not digging it as much, I think I need to switch back to the 81 in the bridge or try a different guitar with a different pickup combo. Always sounds terrible in the practice space, but good when we gig.
I voted 75%.

I have fantastic gear, but have yet to settle in on "my sound". I really hope I can find it without spending a lot more coin.
i voted 75 %
i seem to love the way it works for me for some odd reason
if someone else use's my rig i spend more time dialing in the tones
and get better results :?
I don't think I'll ever reach 100%. I'll be very happy on some days and then totally disappointed on others. Today I'm pretty happy with my setup.

I'll go with the "Vultures are brutal" option. :D
Between my rack, guitars, the Masotti and my new incoming amp, I amp VERY happy with my stuff and tone!
i put 75%. not cause i want to get rid of anything, i just always want something else, another guitar, amp, pedal, cab. there's always something out there i could use. 100% - thats like saying, i don't need to spend anymore $ on any gear...ever. come on, who can really say that. its all about interpretation though, i guess.
Lets see.....

2 Custom Gutierrez Juggernauts
1 Peavey Butcher Custom Mod by Myself with help from Olaf, Brent Gutierrez, and Mark Cameron.
HBE Pedals.....

Yea I'm pretty fucking satisfied..... :rawk:
Although my rig is really unfancy and highend,
I really like the tones I'm getting out of it.

Voted 75%,
because with all my love to it,
it misses a few things.