Would you consider a new Mesa Boogie MK 2C+ if you already owned a MK VII?



Well-known member
I know there is ALOT of overlap, but nostalgia is calling.
Even though I've always played Marshalls or clones, I have owned more than a few Boogies over the decades. Most notably, a MK 2 combo from around 1980, a MK III, and a Quad Preamp. I really liked, and missed the pull-knobs. I always believed that was part of the vibe w/ those older amps.

I came real close to pulling the trigger today. Other amps under consideration are the new Rectifier Reissue, Soldano SLO 100.
I own a Mk VII and I’m not considering the new Mk IIC+, but take that for what it’s worth. I’m not big into the Mark series but wanted the variety from my other amps. I feel like the VII sounds killer enough for me and I’m satisfied it covers the mark sound. I enjoy playing it and really love the VII mode a lot.
I know there is ALOT of overlap, but nostalgia is calling.
Even though I've always played Marshalls or clones, I have owned more than a few Boogies over the decades. Most notably, a MK 2 combo from around 1980, a MK III, and a Quad Preamp. I really liked, and missed the pull-knobs. I always believed that was part of the vibe w/ those older amps.

I came real close to pulling the trigger today. Other amps under consideration are the new Rectifier Reissue, Soldano SLO 100.
If you happy with VII, why bother? If you gonna be happier with Reissue, why not haha

Better try Reissue first before you make a decision. That would be the safest bet.
I know there is ALOT of overlap, but nostalgia is calling.
Even though I've always played Marshalls or clones, I have owned more than a few Boogies over the decades. Most notably, a MK 2 combo from around 1980, a MK III, and a Quad Preamp. I really liked, and missed the pull-knobs. I always believed that was part of the vibe w/ those older amps.

I came real close to pulling the trigger today. Other amps under consideration are the new Rectifier Reissue, Soldano SLO 100.
FUK YES! Then again, I dumped the VII for a huge loss in 6 days which is a record for me. Had to gooooo.

That said if you actually like the VII don't ruin it by playing an OG or a RI C+. In that case I'd recommend getting the Recto if you're a metal / punk guy, or a SLO if you're a rock guy.

I’ve heard the IV mode is better than a IV.


The only mode that gets a lot of praise across the board is the IV mode. Everything else is either criticized or ridiculed on a VII. Some like the differences the VII impresses on IV mode over a mark IV itself. I wouldn’t get a C+ RI if I had a VII - I think it’s a great amplifier.

And before the critic trolls start, read the name of this site.
Are you still playing live Carl? If so, its a tough call because it would come down to the punch and depth of the IIC+ RI vs the versatility of the VII.

I feel like myself, @GJgo and @braintheory are the only ones here who feel like the VII lacks any real balls. Everyone else sings its praises and gushes over it to the max.

Don't get me wrong, the VII sounds fantastic no doubt, waaaaaay better than the V90 IMO. It just for some reason lacks the depth of previous MK's which is something I've become accustomed to with those amps. YMMV
If you need the extra features/conveniences/practicality then the VII. I haven't tried the IIC+ reissue, but assuming it's actually a good reissue like others say it is then I'd easily say get the IIC+ reissue instead if the priority is quality of tone and feel and you mainly just want the high gain channel of it. I found the VII across the board on all channels/modes to sound and feel sterile and inorganic/somewhat synthetic/recorded sounding for my preferences. Just not that inspiring for me to play through

The Recto and SLO will definitely add more diversity to what you have and I'm a huge Recto fan, so a bit biased in that direction
Since I'm a gear whore, I probably would. I usually only use one mode of an amp anyway...the best sounding. Versatility isn't a priority for me personally. If I played in a cover band, I would probably keep the VII. :dunno: