Would you trade fame/endorsements to improve your talent?

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Pretty much in that situation right now. Im 20 years old and the band im in is starting to do really well and has the ability to become something big. We just played Summerfest, and are booked for the Playground festival out in cali next month and have more to come in the future. The thing is, ive gotten accepted into berklee up in boston and its always been my dream to go to music school and just learn as much as i can and improve as a guitarist and musician. The only reason i even joined the band was because music school wasn't an option right out of high school and i just wanted to keep playing guitar instead of going to some state college and spending a lot of money learning stuff i wasn't interested in. Right now Im a pretty good guitarist, and i know that i could go far in a band with the talent i have right now but i wouldn't get very far on my own, hence why i want to go to music school so badly as i know i still have a lot to learn. Now the time has come to decide what to do, school starts early next month. I've never been out for fame or fortune by any means my whole life, i just want to be the best guitarist i can possibly be at the end of the day, but ive been given an opportunity that could yield those things if i stick with it. What would you guys do? Is being technically proficient and knowledgeable in theory worth it? I've always just wanted to be like Pete Thorn and all the other guys who do session/touring work, making a living off of being great at what i do. Then i wonder what it must be like to be Richie Sambora and not be incredibly talented compared to whats out there but be in a huge band and raking in all the cash. The last thing i want is to join the band, have it fizzle away and be left with nothing other being able to say i was in the band, opposed to have the ability to go into any studio or audition and be able to get work. I know a lot of the guys here have had experience in both fields and was wondering what yall recommend.
I'd go to Berklee but I or anyone else can answer that question for you. You have to do what you want to do and what you think is going to make you happier in the future. Good luck!!
If I was in your shoes I'd ride the band thing out and see where it goes. I'd also throw in my two cents that music school won't make u a good player. Just go watch the mi grad nite. Learn how to improve your playing on your own or find a good teacher to help you. And I'm not saying that music school is bad, but if you were gonna become a killer player in school, then you can probably do it without school too.
knowledge/theory will get you places, but being out there and playing can be one of the best business cards so to speak , meeting people and making contacts which might help you a lot more down the road

studies can theoretically wait or at least be put off, but certain opportunities/live stuff can't

maybe consolidating the two could be a possibility, i'm sure some students there get to take time off to tour etc... or even starting next year instead? see if someone from berklee can give you some advice too, good luck with that
I'm all for going to Berkeley, but if you believe in this band, think you have a real shot at success, and you love the music you are playing, why not give it a shot for awhile? You'll know at some point of your choosing whether it is going to work out for you or not. Let's say you put 3 more years into it and it fizzles. Big deal, man! You're 23 and could then go to Berkeley, learn a tremendous amount about music and then do the studio/sideman thing if that is what you want out of life...

dstroud":258s09qc said:
If I was in your shoes I'd ride the band thing out and see where it goes. I'd also throw in my two cents that music school won't make u a good player. Just go watch the mi grad nite. Learn how to improve your playing on your own or find a good teacher to help you. And I'm not saying that music school is bad, but if you were gonna become a killer player in school, then you can probably do it without school too.
I don't think Berkeley or MI make you a better or even a good player, that is gonna be up to the individual's determination and natural abilities. But if you wanna do the studio/sideman thing, learning (and more importantly practicing) theory, sight reading, ear training, etc and playing in a wide variety of styles would seem a good move to me. Certainly somewhere like Berkeley is going to force a structured approach and immersion in music/playing that I think would help if you really work at it. Seems to me like instead of one good teacher, you have a whole bunch of them available to you... Sure there are some musical geniuses out there that don't need all this to move people with their playing, but I bet the things you learn would help you get those studio/sideman gigs (in addition to being a rockin' player)...

I would go with the band and ride it out until it stops being fun or you're losining money. You can go back to school later. I didn't graduate from college until I was 28 because I chose to "live the dream" with a band that had absolutely no chance at fame, fortune or having more than 8 people show up to a gig :lol: :LOL:

And FWIW, the only Berkley graduate I know (and most brilliant guitar player I know) is moderately successful locally and teaches guitar lessons to make ends meet :aww:
I would recommend college not only for the experience, but the contacts one makes at good school.

However, what will make you a commercially successful musician is the ability to write music people want to hear. The world is full of great guitar players (just check youtube) that will never make a living playing. Whatever you decide, put some thought towards creating music vs super chops.
It depends how you see yourself as a player. If you want a long term career in music, past the normal shelf life of a band then I'd go for the degree which will set you up for teaching, session work and more.

If you love what you're doing with your band and can see it going places, stick with it by all means. You don't want to end up one of those washed up old guys who always thinks about what they could have done with their life. I left University for the same reason. Just expect to be broke for the next 5 years!
dstroud":1c7nk959 said:
If I was in your shoes I'd ride the band thing out and see where it goes. I'd also throw in my two cents that music school won't make u a good player. Just go watch the mi grad nite. Learn how to improve your playing on your own or find a good teacher to help you. And I'm not saying that music school is bad, but if you were gonna become a killer player in school, then you can probably do it without school too.
I agree Go for it man take your shot!
I don't understand why you couldn't go to school after the band ended. Let me tell you the stupidest thing I ever did in my life. When I was in college I did security for concerts. Lenny Kravitz came with Blind Melon. That was one of the shows I did. My friend and I were asked to go on tour with them for the rest of the tour, since we did such a good job. I of course, being the good student that I was, said that I had to finish school and couldn't. My friend said the same. Now, I don't know about him but I regret that to this day. This was in 1993 during the Are You Gonna Go My Way Tour. That's a lot of regret...lol. I can only hope that they weren't even remotely serious. I could have always finished college. I have my BA, and MBA, but I will never have an idea what it would have been like to be on the road with those two bands. Go rock out, and enjoy the experience. The experience is an education in itself.
sah5150":3ejop0f5 said:
dstroud":3ejop0f5 said:
If I was in your shoes I'd ride the band thing out and see where it goes. I'd also throw in my two cents that music school won't make u a good player. Just go watch the mi grad nite. Learn how to improve your playing on your own or find a good teacher to help you. And I'm not saying that music school is bad, but if you were gonna become a killer player in school, then you can probably do it without school too.
I don't think Berkeley or MI make you a better or even a good player, that is gonna be up to the individual's determination and natural abilities. But if you wanna do the studio/sideman thing, learning (and more importantly practicing) theory, sight reading, ear training, etc and playing in a wide variety of styles would seem a good move to me. Certainly somewhere like Berkeley is going to force a structured approach and immersion in music/playing that I think would help if you really work at it. Seems to me like instead of one good teacher, you have a whole bunch of them available to you... Sure there are some musical geniuses out there that don't need all this to move people with their playing, but I bet the things you learn would help you get those studio/sideman gigs (in addition to being a rockin' player)...


I totally agree, I guess I was just pointing out that it wasn't an either/or situation. He could still pursue the band and hone in the guitar skills at the same time. Plus with the band, he's getting stage/live experience - which to me is worth a lot.
You have your entire life to go to school ....
I did not think anyone here knew about my secret talent ?
connections are the key to road/session work. trust me. i did 2 years getting a jazz degree, opportunity happens so i bailed i feel like i made the right decision. practice your ass off, there isnt anything you cant learn online for free that they teach in any music program, you just gotta sit down and look for it.

A Wood
Ride the band thing out sir!!!! FOR SURE!

You can always go back to school. Make some money, have some fun, live the dream! Definitely, definitely do the band thing, you'll always wonder, "why" if you don't! And yeah, what Andy said-you can learn all the stuff online. It'll take some extra time and effort-you'll be good to go!!!!

dstroud":2z6gi6j4 said:
sah5150":2z6gi6j4 said:
dstroud":2z6gi6j4 said:
If I was in your shoes I'd ride the band thing out and see where it goes. I'd also throw in my two cents that music school won't make u a good player. Just go watch the mi grad nite. Learn how to improve your playing on your own or find a good teacher to help you. And I'm not saying that music school is bad, but if you were gonna become a killer player in school, then you can probably do it without school too.
I don't think Berkeley or MI make you a better or even a good player, that is gonna be up to the individual's determination and natural abilities. But if you wanna do the studio/sideman thing, learning (and more importantly practicing) theory, sight reading, ear training, etc and playing in a wide variety of styles would seem a good move to me. Certainly somewhere like Berkeley is going to force a structured approach and immersion in music/playing that I think would help if you really work at it. Seems to me like instead of one good teacher, you have a whole bunch of them available to you... Sure there are some musical geniuses out there that don't need all this to move people with their playing, but I bet the things you learn would help you get those studio/sideman gigs (in addition to being a rockin' player)...


I totally agree, I guess I was just pointing out that it wasn't an either/or situation. He could still pursue the band and hone in the guitar skills at the same time. Plus with the band, he's getting stage/live experience - which to me is worth a lot.
For sure! Where do ya think I learned to dance? :D

Dude...DO THE BAND THING!!!! You can ALWAYS decide go to school....you cant ALWAYS decide to be in a successful band!! It takes such an ENORMOUS stroke of luck for a band to be successful, SERIOUSLY it does!! A successful band is a chance at a life experience, while going to school literally is just a simple decision as to do it or not. I can pretty much guarantee that if you pass on the band it would be something you look back at as one of the biggest mistakes you ever made...as you sometimes only get that rare opportunity one time.

If you decide to to the band and it doesnt work out...pffft...who care, next year you go to school....

If you decide to do school and it doesnt work out...pffft you will wish you went with the band for the rest of your natural born life!!

Dont you ever watch "Behind the Music", when they show some uber successful band, when they were first starting out and the lead guitarist quit the band for some lame stupid assed reason...and thats ALWAYS the guy they interview..."yeah, I was with the band for a year in the beginning, but you know....I just felt the need to go work at Burger King for a steady paycheck...."...and 6 months later the band has a new guitarist and a 10 times platinum album...LOL
Stay in the band. There's Berklee Grads who work at Guitar Center. I remember in the 80's and early 90's when guys rushed off for GIT then when Grunge hit there were ads from bands looking for guitar players that specified, NO GIT or Berklee, or NO Pointy Headstocks. :lol: :LOL: I'm dead serious though.
RedRider":hj2p49hi said:
Dont you ever watch "Behind the Music", when they show some uber successful band, when they were first starting out and the lead guitarist quit the band for some lame stupid assed reason...and thats ALWAYS the guy they interview..."yeah, I was with the band for a year in the beginning, but you know....I just felt the need to go work at Burger King for a steady paycheck...."...and 6 months later the band has a new guitarist and a 10 times platinum album...LOL

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Brutal, but true!