WTB: Bogner Helios Eclipse

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WTB: Bogner Helios Eclipse. Footswitch is preferred but not a deal breaker.
I am only interested in the above amp. I appreciate some people offering me other amps but I'm not interested in others right now.
Please Private Message me all info.
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I am the original owner of an SS100 in mint condition, low volume studio use only. Where are you located and what is your budget? Would prefer not to ship.
There a helios local in ca, it's not mine. If you need a link lmk.
I appreciate the heads up, those are cool but I'm looking for a Helios Eclipse. It's the later, updated version.
Thank Again!!
I gotta know what this is now
It was Reinholds answer to the Helios not having channel switching. It’s essentially a helios with 2/3 channels and is capable of way more gain. Not quite as classic, but definitely extreme.
It has a clean channel (a volume knob and a 3way toggle is the entire channel) and two drive channels. They pick up where the ‘hot’ left off and has more gain available. It’s a great amp, but I would try before you buy. They tend to have transformer hum and be very noisy. They have more gain available than any amp I’ve ever used by far. My JP2C with gain maxed is half the knob on the eclipse. Badass amps, but they can be very noisy, particularly the early runs.
Guitar center has one in stock currently but it’s new at $3300.
Thanks. There are some new ones on Reverb too but I'm trying to find a good used one and save some money, in case I don't like it. New gear is like cars, as soon as you get it home it's worth 30% or more less.
I appreciate the heads up!