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Just a heads up, if you’re looking to get that STP sound for that tgp3 you can get the same patches (octopus) inside an intellifex for a lot less money. I have a TGP-3 and the intellifex and it nails it. If I’m wrong on my assumption sorry haha.Shoot me a message- thanks
Do you know where I could find the settings for that famous Octopus preset?Just a heads up, if you’re looking to get that STP sound for that tgp3 you can get the same patches (octopus) inside an intellifex for a lot less money. I have a TGP-3 and the intellifex and it nails it. If I’m wrong on my assumption sorry haha.
Analogkid85 does a lot of patches for older rack fx units. I believe he is active on TGP and there is a subreddit for them here:Do you know where I could find the settings for that famous Octopus preset?
I have an Intellifex Online, but it doesn't have that preset.
Word - ill shoot you a text later todayI have what you're looking for Blake, pm me bro....
Yeah, I actually have his presets installed on my Intellifex Online.Analogkid85 does a lot of patches for older rack fx units. I believe he is active on TGP and there is a subreddit for them here:
You could probably PM him and he could answer that one better than i could. I can start my unit up but its in another town from me now haha