I hate their four wheelers but love their two strokes and super sport bikes… I want to grab a studio lord les Paul someday. Supposed to be killer.
Well let me tell you for such a cheap instrument I'm very impressed by the Revstar element. The standard can only be better. Very good guitars, even the pickups in this thing are quite impressive. Very stable tuning and a very resonant instrument as well. I wonder if the chambering it has has something to do with how resonant it is?I would love to try a Revstar, but the way they redesigned them with the body slightly bigger doesn't quite appeal to me.
I have a hard time shaking off the preconceptions I have about Yamaha because I started on a Pacifica that I hated. It wasn't a terrible shell, but it did have the worst hardware it could. The biggest thing, I guess, is I was frustrated because I wanted a Les Paul, but my parents got me a Strat-type, which is kinda the polar opposite, LOL. It's silly, I know, but sometimes, it's hard to shake negative experiences off.
But I'd be willing to give the Revstars a try.