yngwie/fender 70th anniversary

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I adore that man! Brings me tons of joy to see him happy and healthy and tastefully shredding. Always fun to see him talk about guitar history, his love for the instrument truly shines through.
I've kind of always thought of him as a goofy egomaniac, mostly because I've only ever seen him on stage with his pirate shirts, ridiculous plume of hair, and leather pants, making kissy faces at the audience and kicking his legs over his head and whatnot.

But this video was a good move. It makes him seem like under all the rockstar look at me bullshit he's just a guy who is totally obsessed with his favorite thing to the point that he knows everything about it and put his money where his mouth is towards dedication to his craft.

Cool ad. It actually showed me something I haven't seen and makes my think of the guy differently.
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I've kind of always thought of him as a goofy egomaniac, mostly because I've only ever seen him on stage with his pirate shirts and ridiculous ploom of hair, kicking his legs over his head and whatnot.

But this video was a good move. It makes him seem like under all the rockstar look at me bullshit he's just a guy who is totally obsessed with his favorite thing to the point that he knows everything about it and put his money where his mouth is out of dedication to his craft.

Cool ad.

Check the Rick Beato inverview of Yngwie, please. ?
A synergy YJM module? What's it gonna do, include a DOD 250 into it on a switch and be a 1959? Isn't that already the Plexi? ( Which by the way I think doesn't cut enough to be an accurate plexi)

I love YJM. Some nights he's sloppy, other nights he just does a bunch of kicks and pick flicks, then the odd time you see that vintage Yngwie. He slows down a bit and his phrasing sounds more meaningful. Either way, he is important to the history of lead guitar despite guy's like Uli, Schenker, and Blackmore already touching the classical stuff. Yngwie just took it to the next level. I love his arrogance and his unwillingness to change. The guy really lives and breathes those pirate shirts, big cuffs, and leather pants.
A synergy YJM module? What's it gonna do, include a DOD 250 into it on a switch and be a 1959? Isn't that already the Plexi? ( Which by the way I think doesn't cut enough to be an accurate plexi)

I love YJM. Some nights he's sloppy, other nights he just does a bunch of kicks and pick flicks, then the odd time you see that vintage Yngwie. He slows down a bit and his phrasing sounds more meaningful. Either way, he is important to the history of lead guitar despite guy's like Uli, Schenker, and Blackmore already touching the classical stuff. Yngwie just took it to the next level. I love his arrogance and his unwillingness to change. The guy really lives and breathes those pirate shirts, big cuffs, and leather pants.
Not taking away from anything you wrote, you’re not wrong, but he also strikes me as someone who has gone through profound changes.
Have always loved YJM, not necessarily everything he's put out but yeah, he's the man. Saw him open for Dio in 86' and it was a religious experience.
Not taking away from anything you wrote, you’re not wrong, but he also strikes me as someone who has gone through profound changes.
..changes of pirate shirts and leather pants, yes. :D I don't know, I suppose. He isn't an idiot and he knows that what he does is special but that it doesn't speak to everyone. I think with age he has learned to laugh at himself a bit more. But hey, so have I.
The dude still has something left. Dang!

He does but he rushes the tempo in everything nowadays and he actually has become really sloppy at playing Rising Force. A shame because that is one of my fave solos of his. He's all over the place on that one. I feel for his band because it's a sprint all night. That instrumental bit right after Rising Force was a total mess.
He's a legend. Total respect for him, but I can only stand about 5 minutes...
Have always loved YJM, not necessarily everything he's put out but yeah, he's the man. Saw him open for Dio in 86' and it was a religious experience.

Was it Pat (OP) or Zach who also told about seeing Yngwie in Hawaii in the mid-80s or so? Cool stuff!