Your playing and your sleep

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I only sleep about 2 or 3 hours a day, been that way for the last 35 years or so because of working 3rd shift for so long and numerous other reasons. Anyway, something I noticed is my my playing is much better and more prolific if I sleep more. Well duh, regular body function. I get it!! Just wondering your guys experience, maybe more serotonin from sleeping. IDK? What do you guys think?
It depends. I've been well rested and played lousy and I been short on sleep and burnt out and played well. There is no recipe to a great gig but practicing (or gigging) a lot will definitely help mitigate poor playing. It's not a guarantee either but at least your hands are loose that way.
Oddly I notice when I am super sleep deprived the tempo of songs feel faster to me.
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Can’t say I’ve ever really noticed, but it’s very rare these days I get only 2-3 hours of sleep, I love sleeping
This maybe outta’ be a thread in the ‘Off Topic’ section. But … The older I get the more essential sleep is to me. Dam. All the way through my 40’s, I could just go go go on adrenaline and caffeine. Nowadays, not os much. I absolutely KNOW that ‘well rested’ I am as good once as I ever was. But chip away at my sleep, and my synapses just don’t fire like they used to.
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I think I noticed sleep affecting how well I learned technique 'n stuff, but I didn't pay close attention. I'll have to keep tabs on that when I start woodshedding again soon.
Naturally; Sleep deprived people tend to be less efficient at a task. However; short, high stress situations tend to be somewhat more efficient. The cortisol steroid mix during stress seems to improve those tasks. BUT long term stress and sleep deprivation lends itself to shitty endings. It’s why there are limits on what people are allowed to do task wise ( pilots, physicians, truck drivers etc etc).