"You're ALL" playing Saxon-Crusader intro wrong!!!



Well-known member
Wassup @Bad.Seed :p
I figured that 'rent' is due, so lemme do a little pet peeve of mine about EVERYONE doing something wrong...
Difference is, I won't go against my own advice two weeks later. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, on topic:
Check this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

I've played this song in a rock/metal cover-band around 2007-2009 and I had to play the clean intro. At the time, I basically followed the Ultimate-Guitar/YT Guitar Mates version, of a base grip around the A minor chord, and do the E-D-C high notes with open high E string and fretted D and C on the B string.
But as the years passed by, I felt something was off with that clean arpeggio... All those runs end on an E (2nd fret D string).

So once I started playing it around the 7th position

with a low 'ringing' A string, this sounded way more accurate.
I just loaded the song in Amazing Slow Downer, dropped the speed to 50% and lo and behold, the little arpeggios all end on the A string, not an E note!

And JK of course with the title, there's probably plenty of you guys playing it right, but I figured it doesn't hurt to point out that multiple online tabs are wrong, including YT guitar lessons. Sure, their version doesn't sound *bad*, but it's not accurate.

This tab has the intro correctly, too bad that's the ONLY part it has correct... :eek: :
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I just love some Saxon getting some love on the forum.
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Saxon kind of bored me tbh. Nothing ever really stood out with those guys. Unpopular opinion maybe
I had tickers to see Saxon last year and couldn't go because I went to see a buddy's show. I wish I would have seen them.
@Bad.Seed fuckin CALLED OUT NOW WHAT
Oh he'll probably label this as 'hatin' ' or something... These days calling someone out on their BS is either jealousy, bigotry, misogyny, racism, etc....
To think that someone would actually own up to their doings/mistakes... you know, like not releasing a video with 5 high-output humbuckers 2 weeks after... Nuh-uh. No, sirrey. We're all jealous haters, that's whassup. :censored: