Has anyone used the Zvex Box of Rock with the Renegade? Just wanting to know what they thought and if they play well together. And also any other suggestions for a good pedal. Thanks!
I use my Box Of Rock if I am using someone else' backline. It is supposed to sound like the overdrive from a vintage Marshall, so to me it belongs in an A-to-Z-pedals signal chain running into a clean amp rather than before a channel switcher with it's own gain channel. When I run it into my MOD50 head, I use the boost switch, but only to up my single coil volume to about the same as my HB's when I split the coils.
I was kind of looking for a different flavor to add to what i already have. I would probably run the BOR into the clean channel for a different type of overdrive. Im just wondering if the pedal would get lost in the mix if i use it with the clean and also use the gain channel on the renegade sometimes? I havent used alot of overdrive pedals before, just now starting to get interested in them.