Totally discouraged Egnater Junk Transformers, junk boards,

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As an owner of 2 4212's for my stage and stuido rigs that have both had major issues now I would like to apologize for any derogatory comments to the fine people who tried to steer me clear of buying the Egnater product. THEY WERE CORRECT!! Non reliable is exactly what they are. I will respond to the facts to anyone that inquires. I do not blame those of you that have post accurate issues and been somewhat berated for doing so. This should result in a class action law suit against Egnater for an extremely well documented transformer issue that was not recalled proactivly but left for the little guy to pay out of pocket for. Egnater hoping time would run out or amps would be sold so that theycan charge for something you already bought thinking it would be of value. Think about it, myself, other band mates and friends all over have transformers from the 60's and 70's from Marshall, Peavey and Fender that have yet to fail. Please get out of this tone god, boutique mindset about Egnater and shop gear that is price point correct and of sturdy value.
I doubt many of you gigging through a PA could tell the difference between your guitar and which amp your plugged into, seriously. I really didn't want to drag on as I have, but I am so frustrated, upset, mad and discouraged at what I got told today. It seems we have another to big for his britches company running over the little guys. My stage will have a dedication each night for what not to do when purchasing amps. I know......I only play from Chicago to Miami but hey even if 5 people listen.....
All I asked for was transformer replaced that you knew had issues, pitiful.
:no: :thumbsdown: :confused:
I'm guessing you have a tourmaster, I've blew transf. on them, 3 of my friends have blown numerous transf. on them-usually at low volumes. My rebel 30 has been a gig workhouse for 18 months with no problems.
I try to avoid getting involved in "scuffles" but, according to Nate, all he requested from you (or the person you purchased the amp from) is some proof of purchase. A receipt? A credit card statement? Something? He is NOT denying you warranty service. He is simply following procedures that his management/accounting people demand before they will send free replacement parts. Is there some way to get that proof? I am a little confused how quickly your feelings have changed over this. Hasn't the amp served you well for 3 years? Now there is a problem and it became a piece of junk? Understand there are thousands of amps out there without problems or bad transformers. I will see what can be done to help resolve this to your satisfaction but the information Nate needs would be the easiest solution.
I just spent about 30 minutes on a long reply to you Bruce but then erased the damn thing by accident so here is a shorter version.

I couldn't continue begging Nate for this to be covered since I need my amp, so I paid out of my pocket for a new transformer Friday after Nate's last response, for something you know you've have had issues with.

The reply from Nate after I went down every avenue to produce him a record (guess I was just a dishonest person trying to get something for nothing) tried Guitar Center to find the record and since the studio I bought it from is out of business bankrupt.....the exact email response "NOT FOR FREE". Then followed that with $299 plus shipping for a new one.

I'm sure Nate was following the sterile corporate protocol by denying to cover it but I beat every door to find a record for this.

Just a little background for what its worth, I'm a Supervisor for one of the countries largest Electric Cooperatives and I am glad we are empowered to bend policy on case by case instance and where applicable, every situation has it's individual needs.
Lesson learned......

For a loyal 2 Tourmaster owner that has had both amps with these issues and one returned for repairs with in days of purchase plus spending $100 to ship it to CA to you, frustration wasn't a knee jerk response. I'm glad to hear you have so many out there with no issues..but I got 2 that did.

And no, it has not served well for 3 years, it sat in the studio virtually unused because of being a lesser known product by people who booked studio time. Other amps, Marshalls, Fenders ect got used instead 95% of the time this thing had a few hours of use. I only had about 2 months use out of it at best and 2 gigs most was rehearsals.

Hope its just the damn transformer and it didn't kill diodes and resistors also or other issues in the circuit!!!!

Everyone can read this and take the stand they wish but I think some thought to the way Egnater chose to handle me is complete ball drop. Maybe a "let me see what I can do" email could have been a more appropriate response knowing that the consumer was a return consumer and a multiple owner or....??? Hell I don't know, forget it, I ate it and that's what matters.

Here's some other transformer post read on.


hbucker":3aiyelku said:
2.5 years on my Renegade. No issues to report.

'Bout the same on mine and other than a noisy fan, no problems at all.
Glad to see they got it fixed on your Renegades, I for one just don't have the money to go switching amps.
Nobody wants a Tourmaster on trade in for a new amp after the bad press they initially had....
So it's deal with it, :doh: pay for it, play it or make a boat anchor out of it. :doh: :bash:

Is quality why certain vintage amps held their value and are worth more now...And a Tourmaster ya cant even get $600 out of it after paying over $1200 for them. Me thinks so.....
I had a Tourmaster for years. I had no problems at all with the transformer on it. It blew a fuse once, and it eventually needed a new footswitch after a few years of stomping on it. Those things could happen to any amp, and Egnater met my needs quickly and efficiently.
Good deal glad you gotta a good one Len, but many others have not or like me got 2 Tourmasters with issues. Just got done isolating the secondaries and BAM!! Still blew so must be on the primary..........Yippeeee $$$$$$
I do remember reading that the older ones had transformer problems. Not that it helps you, but maybe you got stuck with a couple of those? Hope you can work it out. I really liked the amp.
just for the record. and, i hope im not hanging anyone out to dry

I NEVER supplied nate with a ser# OR a receipt (as i traded a different amp for this, privately).

all i ever did was email him, tell him my problem, then talked on the phone. mailed it in, got a new one back (by the way, you guys REALLY need to improve your shipping departments packing jobs, if you click here and look down the middle of the thread: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=112006&p=1327117#p1327117 )..

again, i was told this was a known issue, and a new pt replacement was needed.

i have other issues with my amp, that are reverb related, again, but thats another story what i was told there. i'd like to see the OP's tourmaster issues resolved.
Nice.....Yep my first Tourmaster same deal Yeti and then the reverb pot. And now Tourmaster 2 with the same issues I gets the cold shoulder. Now I've bought the new Tranny out of my own pocket. Never forget!!!! :bash: :shocked:

Bruce, Nate you and your management should be a shamed, now I'm the one who is should be "a little confused" and you wonder why I feel the way I do. Hope to see your new line in person at the next booth to do some shopping.

Something sounds awfully un-American here and my azzz hurts, must be an Egnater hangover.
I bought it , :doh: I took it, :doh: I'll stop being a little girl :cry: :m9: and quiet my bitching here unless somebody wants to rattle the cage. :gethim:
just out of curiousity....why didnt you "sleep on it" b4 you bought the new transformer?

im not too sure i'd have paid for one.
I did, for a couple of nights trying to see if they would buck up, but just couldn't afford to be down an amp and figured the BS I got off the bat that I was gonna get the run around for longer than I could stand.

I figured that Egnater was going to be a stand up company and say "hey we will get one out to you tomorrow so you can get up and running asap" since we have honored others with the exact issue and with the same scenario . This experience/contact was very cold.

I am covering the name on these Chinese POS's since I have to financially have to use them for now (why did I get rid of my VHT???), I'll put another name on them or somethin. Since Bruce hasn't wanted to try and make it right with me after all this screaming and bitching, but he only took the time to post on here to cover Nate's position instead of silencing the storm by taking dribble out of his precious company pocket to make a repeat consumer and user somewhat happy. You notice most people have heard or have had an issue on here so........

I will try and unload them as soon as I get enough money and give as much press as I can. I can't imagine companies that do this to people and then figure the way out of a known issue is to hope you don't have a receipt handy. KARMA EgNATER

Hope I get to attend an Egnater booth soon.

Stemlife not quite enough ;)
again, that HAS to be a new policy. im really sorry that this is the case. im trying to stress to you, again, you have legitimate gripes, and, evidence that i provided them NOTHING...just the old trannie, sent in...and replaced...albeit pretty slowly,....i still got it.
Yeah....heres another post god they are all over out there. I think I'm gonna look at the Attorney Generals office and the BBB I have been discussing a class action suit with a local firm. Egnater may think this is just noise but I am not settling for this shit on the little guy attitude. I have been succesful with before so we will see.

Heres another happy consumer...look at how long it took him.
It could be your transformer. Mine died on me at the beginning of a gig, and me without a backup.

It was a $300 part, but was covered by the warranty if I could supply Nate with a serial number. Unfortunately, due a really bad marking procedure, the little S/N tag had fallen off, and was nowhere to be found. After a lot of begging and sending digital pic to Nate, I was able to get them to fulfill their warranty obligations... but it took 6 months.

Hope it's just a tube for you, and your S/N sticker is still there!

I feel bad for you, I really do, but I don't think it is unreasonable for Egnater to ask for the serial number of your amp. If you can't provide evidence you own the amp, you could just be some schmuck looking for free parts.

There has to be another way to get them comfortable to provide you with the part. Take a picture of the amp with something else in the frame to prove its in your possession.

You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.