Renegade preamp tube questions...need advice!!

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Hey guys need your help

I have searched around and read all of your posts about re-tubing your Renegades but still have a few questions. I am trying to decide on what preamp tubes to get and I'm not exactly sure what tube does what. I know that V5 is the FX loop and V6 us the P.I. Based on looking at the Renegade tube chart it looks like V1 and V3 are the most important tonally being that they control the gain stages of their respective channels, is that correct?

That said, I spoke with Doug at Doug's tubes and he told me I should get a Tung-Sol 12AX7 for V1, Pentas for V2 and V3, RubyAC5's for V4 and V5, and a Sovtek LPS for V6. I'm not sure how I feel about that set up and that is what I could use some advice with. Anyone have any experience with these (besides the Tung-Sols which I know are widely used)? Wouldn't I be better served to put another Tung-Sol or something comparable in V3 to help maximize channel 2? Let it be noted however that I am planning on getting most of my distortion from pedals (Keeley TS-9 and Wampler Triple Wreck) so I am wanted to get the best clean channel that I can. This is my first re-tube and I know tone is subjective but any advice would really help. I can't decide!!!!

Doug knows his stuff so I would be apt to give his recommendation a shot. You could always switch back. Is there something you don't like about the stock tubes?
Agree with Bartmcartman........those sound like excellent choices to me. You know the chinese work great for Marshall type gain. I use those for V1 in most of my Marshall type modules.

And heck, you could always just add on more TS to the list and then swap it in and out to see which you like best. It's always good to have some extra pre's around anyway. Most of us have boxes full of them!! :lol: :LOL:
Thanks for your help guys. I'm sure he knows what he is talking about. My doubt was just stemming from various reviews that I have read and I'm probably just over thinking the whole thing anyway. I'll give them a shot.

The stock tubes sound good and if the Renegade didn't make it so easy to try different tube combinations I would probably be more apt to stick with them. After reading post after post though about how much better people's Renegades sounded with upgraded tubes I have to give it a shot to see how it sounds.
I got some rft 12ax7 for sale I got 2 in mine!!!
Will do. I went ahead and bought the tubes from Doug and they should (hopefully) be here by the weekend. I'll definitely let you know how they work out.....
old mullards and ei and rft in mine so good I bought to many of all of them..
Sorry, been too busy playing and recording lately. Here's what I ended up going with:

V1-Tung-Sol 12AX7
V2-Penta Labs 12AX7
V3-Ruby 12AX7AC5+
V4-Ruby 12AX7AC5
V5-Tung-Sol 12AX7
V6-Sovtek LPS

2 TAD 6L6GWC's
2 JJ KT77's

In summary, the amp sounds sooo much better. I thought it sounded pretty good before but now after A/B'ing some of my new recordings with my old recordings the difference is night and day. I personally prefer the KT77's over the TADs but they sound great blended together.

I'm still not a fan of the voicing of channel 2 because I play a lot of heavier stuff. I know, I know, it's not a high gain amp. Well I bought it for its awesome clean tone and tube swapping ease. If anyone else though is less than thrilled with the Overdrive channel and you need some more (modern sounding) balls, I found the remedy (at least for me): The Wampler Triple Wreck!!!!! I took me 6 weeks to get it but it was worth the wait. That thing just kills through this rig (Renegade head thru TM212). Anyone needing to get a modern metal tone out of your Egnater should check it out.......There you have it. Hope this helps someone.....
v2 is for the clean, I would swap the penta chinese into v3
chinese for better chinese...not gonna matter much..
yeah,,But the pentas are most likely 8th gen with foil getters
just42dave":v0jqvevj said:
yeah,,But the pentas are most likely 8th gen with foil getters
how can you visually ell the diff. and is there a difference in tone?
Very cool! So did you find the tone changed or the feel? How did it change? Thanks...
I have found that I like a JJ 12ax7 in V1 Electo Harmonix in 2, 3, and 4 and use a Jan Phillips 5751 in PI. This does the trick with mine. If I use the EH 12AX7 in V1 I get a pinging oscillating sound at higher ( stage volumes). Also the stock Sovteks will work fine in V1 with the EH's but mine does not like the EH in V1 position. The only downfall to the Sovtek is an occasional pop or tick. which could also be caused by voltage irregularity in your power source.