UK vs. Chinese Vintage 30 comparison clip

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Excuse the playing.........I just wanted to do this and threw it together in a flash.

Same sloppy riff, same cab, same amp settings, same mic placement. Chinese V30 is a year old and UK V30 is about 6 months old (but has been played louder and longer).

Unfortunately, netmusicians player doesn't have a counter, but the first one goes for about 37 seconds and the next one starts after that. I'll tell which is which sometime tomorrow :D
I bet you aren't going to get a lot of responses to this thread because people don't want to lose forum cred if they choose the wrong answer.

To that I will say, "way cool dude! Thanks!"

:lol: :LOL: :thumbsup:
I have no idea which is which, but I thought the first clip sounded better.

I have no concerns about "forum cred". :lol: :LOL:
The first 37 seconds sounds better to me. There is a less nasal quality and slightly more depth to the sound.

If your mic positioning is really that similar, and the first isn't the UK Vintage 30, sadness shall ensue.
Don't know which is which; I'm just surprised that there's such a noticeable difference! I liked the first one much better. If that ends up being the chinese version I'm swapping my Mesa UK V30's for chinese. :lol: :LOL:
Based on my experiences, the first one is UK. Sounds much better.

If I'm wrong? Well I don't care....M75s are my new favorites.
I prefer the first one. Not really a huge Vintage 30 fan, but your clip sounded pretty decent.
uk or chinese dont matter to me but i thought the second one sounded better,more alive :thumbsup:
JakeAC5253":f2s5yrg0 said:
I bet you aren't going to get a lot of responses to this thread because people don't want to lose forum cred if they choose the wrong answer.

:lol: :LOL:
I prefer no 2 and I think it is the chinese V30.

Great sounding amp, cool clip - thanks!
I like number 1. I have some chinese and it sounds like my speakers but who knows.
Interesting. I wouldn't have thought there'd be that much difference. How much more time does the UK V30s have on them?

I'll guess the first clip is whichever speaker has the most time on it.
Ethn Hayabusa":eawcy2u2 said:
I prefer the first one. Not really a huge Vintage 30 fan, but your clip sounded pretty decent.


It definitely had less mid range honk to my ears...
lolzgreg":rxnu4pql said:
The first 37 seconds sounds better to me. There is a less nasal quality and slightly more depth to the sound.

If your mic positioning is really that similar, and the first isn't the UK Vintage 30, sadness shall ensue.


I'll also add that id be happy with either because with a slight eq adjustment I could make either one sound identical or work for me

The only concerns that Id have with the chinese made speakers is quality and sound. As long as both are good, I'm thinking I could care less where the speaker was made lol. :rock: :rock: :rock:
I guess thats enough guessing...............and we have a couple of winners.

The first clip is indeed the Chinese V30 :thumbsup:

The second one is the UK and it actually has more hours on it.

In the room, the UK speaker is darker and has a bigger (but not tighter) low end, but the glaring difference is that it has a "cocked wah" thing going on that the Chinese doesn't. The Chinese is also slightly louder but maybe that's a perception thing due to the brighter character.

This all started after I read a few comments on TGP about the Chinese version being smoother with less of a mid-spike. These comments came from a handful of people. I decided to put it to the test. I think I believe it now :D

The UK speaker is hitting the classifieds and the Chinese one is going in my Orange 2x12 alongside my 10 year old Greenback.
Gainfreak":b38wn2u5 said:
lolzgreg":b38wn2u5 said:
The first 37 seconds sounds better to me. There is a less nasal quality and slightly more depth to the sound.

If your mic positioning is really that similar, and the first isn't the UK Vintage 30, sadness shall ensue.


I'll also add that id be happy with either because with a slight eq adjustment I could make either one sound identical or work for me

The only concerns that Id have with the chinese made speakers is quality and sound. As long as both are good, I'm thinking I could care less where the speaker was made lol. :rock: :rock: :rock:

I tried that.........I can't EQ out that "honk" no matter what I do.
troublehead":g9dyf4oj said:
Gainfreak":g9dyf4oj said:
lolzgreg":g9dyf4oj said:
The first 37 seconds sounds better to me. There is a less nasal quality and slightly more depth to the sound.

If your mic positioning is really that similar, and the first isn't the UK Vintage 30, sadness shall ensue.


I'll also add that id be happy with either because with a slight eq adjustment I could make either one sound identical or work for me

The only concerns that Id have with the chinese made speakers is quality and sound. As long as both are good, I'm thinking I could care less where the speaker was made lol. :rock: :rock: :rock:

I tried that.........I can't EQ out that "honk" no matter what I do.

I can because I have a Mark series boogie amp and a little scoop of the 750 slider works magic LOL.

With that said, I have a new pair of the chinese v30's and Ive never liked v30's before until I tried I'm sold.

Another thing to take into consideration is that the v30's that you get in the Marshall cabs are different then the stock celestion v30's. Marshall has there own v30 spec as does Mesa boogie! This shit starts getting nuts!
On another note, since you have already done this test, do you know what v30 you have? I can tell you that I have stayed away from v30's for years because of what I heard on your second clip. It wasn't until recently when Mike Fortin Hipped me to the fact that there are different versions!! Now I can say with 100% certainty that my v30's loaded cab is the best sounding cab I own!! :rock: