Colossal Modern Classic Cables

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I have been a monster rock user for about ten years. In the past year or so I had decided that I would upgrade to some audiophile cable. I had been eyeing the Van Den Hul and Vovox cable available at I was saving up the money for that cables as it would be a huge investment, the 3 foot speaker cable alone was $150!

I procrastinated for almost a year buying a new amp, an fx processor a guitar etc... I guess I just couldn't spend over $1200 on "just cables" which come with little gratification or wow factor.

I heard about Colossal in my quest among many many others. the price was amazing so I was skeptical to say the least. It was the videos that colossal has posted that convinced me to try them. even a novice could hear a big difference in the tone/clarity in those videos.

I order and entire compliment for my current setup. about $300 worth of cable. I even bought the colossus speaker cable. I play mostly high gain metal but I ordered the Modern classic Instead of the Brooklyn as I prefer to let everything the guitar is making hit the preamp and trim off fizz afterward on the amp.

I considered swapping out just he speaker cable or plugging directly into the amp and comparing it against my monsters but really wanted to cut to the chase.

I played my rig as is for about 15 minutes, then shut it down and swapped all of the cables.


I knew it would sound better but not this much!

Clarity is increased, more second order harmonics apparent, the guitar tone is so pure now its crazy. Its as if I never really heard my guitar before. More lows, More highs more tone. I am blown away that something this affordable could bring such a drastic, welcomed improvement. Not just different like many cables, but BETTER. damn those monsters sound like s***!

All of the frequencies sound natural. the bass is smooth and tight and highs are clear and crisp.

It was the most inspiring practice night I have had in ages, I was grinning from ear to ear all night.

Every member of the band noticed the difference, even the drummer.

I did change my settings to better suit the cables, I was able to turn the presence down, no longer needing to compensate for the high end loss. the bass got considerably tighter as well, I was able to add just a little more on top of what the cable itself had added, or rather restored without adding mud. very tight!

Dealing with Brian was smooth, shipping is priority mail so I only waited two days for them to arrive across 3000 miles. I HATE waiting for new toys!

The cables are handmade by an artisan. great fit and finish. They lay nicely one the floor without coiling up, are very flexible and have a very cool outer shield that seems very durable.

The Colossus speaker cable cannot be described faithfully, Brian needs to throw a quarter next to the pic on his site to illustrate the scale. upon first inspection myself and everyone I have shown it to just laughed. It is so huge it seems comical, until your hear it. Tone as huge as its girth. It is as thick as my damn thumb! :lol: :LOL:

You owe it to yourself to try these if you haven't already purchased high end cabling.

Now I feel the need to hear the Brooklyns also!

check em out for yourself! And FYI I have no affiliation with Brian. :thumbsup:
Excellent review. To me Monster cable is an overprice $5.oo cable. I have tried van de huls and they make a substantial difference. It is like your ears were plugged before. I definately will check these cables out.
I absolutely agree with everything you stated! I'm glad you like them. Great review. I've been using them exclusively for the last 6 months or so and they are the best cables I've ever used. I also have the speaker cables....they're HUGE! Customers at the shop always love them and ask me where they can buy 'em. Brian is top notch and so is his product.
Glad to hear you dig em! Brian rocks and so do his cables...

No surprise especially against monster rocks, they have a lot of resistance actually, monster are by far my my least favorite cable made, they don't sound good to my ears.
se7en":3855aerm said:
What difference do you guys notice with the Colossus speaker cable? $80 seems a lot to justify, but may be worth it.

More tone. it seems to have added more bass and more highs, a wider frequency response.

IMO like icing on the cake when all the other cables are upgrades.

the guitar cables take priority before the speaker. the cabinet wiring is upgraded as well so the last link for me was the speaker. if you buy the speaker cable upgrade your cabinet wiring too.

I used this scs-12 speaker wire:

It is a huge solid copper cable that has been cryogenically frozen. It feels like a good portion of that cost is the metal, it is really huge solid copper.
swantone":2jjv6xdw said:
aww shit, more stuff to buy !! LOL
thanks for the review...

sorry for the OT post: Hey Swantone I sent you an Email concerning your amp for sale , I cant post in the classifieds yet or send you PMs so I hope you find it soon.

I heard about these cables if I run through pedal board with buffers will I still hear the difference?
Some if your using sub par cable, if not could be negligible.