Shiva 20th tube layout?

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Anyone know what the preamp tube layout is for these? I want to try and dial out some of the top end sizzle with the higher gain settings and would prefer not to do it using trial and error.
I took out my sovtek kt88 and it helped alot maybe go to a 12ax7 8th gen since they work best with the chinese:)
Mybe you should read up alil about it on the search system for rig talk and yes sovtek kt88 add to the high ear piercing sounds it makes with them.. A good set of 6550 work great if they will be a high enough number to bias it to..I used Black Sable SED 6550 and sounds beautiful but what do I know lol..
Either way I answered your question ask Steve K and richie d they are really familiar with the 20th.
Bumping old thread because I can't find the phase inverter.
I have a 20th Anniversary without reverb.
It has v1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
There is no v6.
So, is v7 the PI? My manual doesn't mention 7.
For tonal changes I use 1-2-3 mostly.
V6 is the Phase inverter.
V7 is reverb which you said yours doesnt have

The Shiva has 6 preamp tubes (7 in reverb model) which do the following: 1st (closest to input jack) > Ch 1+2 > check that one if your amp gets noisy or microphonic. 2nd+3rd > Ch2 only 4th > one part (triode) Ch 1, second part for the loop send (affects both channels) 5th > loop return (affects both channels) 6th (second row in center of chassis) > phase inverter (affects both channels) 7th (second row towards side of chassis) > reverb Note: If you want to experiment with different tubes the first 3 tubes are the most noticable sound wise.
Shiva Tube Layout

(and Sovtek88 sucked compared to the GL-KT88s - totally made my 20thA go gangbusters - Sovteks were glaring and shrill, not the GenalexGL, they're bouncy, punchy, big and powerful - girth - and it takes the preamp distortion and really keeps it tight and focused...YMMV, but the GL-KT88 PTs with a select few 12AX7s and an LPS in the PI slot - been runnin' it like this since 2016?? Balls out)


  • BognerShivaTubeLayout.jpg
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I changed mine to EL34 (which takes a resistor clip) which improved the tone to my ears a lot. But it becomes more "classic" sounding with El34s, so might not be your thing. And as it needs to clip a resistor, I am not sure I should recommend. But another option....