if I were minding my business....

  • Thread starter Thread starter JackBootedThug
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and eating a meal with my wife and son....and this happened-

the outcome would be totally different. just sayin. People need to get a grip. This is not how you get a message across. This is how you sow seeds of hate and retribution.
yup...mob mentality. It's like the Borg on star trek...only difference is the borg have no emotions, and extreme opposite here. :aww:
I would never hit a woman. But I'll tell you this much. If that were me, even though I'd get mobbed up...the two women in front screaming at me would be getting brutalized and assaulted from a 6'6 280 lb man. And I wouldn't stop until they all took me down. At least ONE of them would not make it out of there without severe scars and broken bones. The question is, which one wants it?
I would hold up a sign

"I'm deaf from loud guitars. Can you scribble it here?"