Trump Impeachment


Well-known member
Dems control of the lower chamber, Reps control of the upper chamber - Senate.

Impeachment (glorified indictment)

Vote: 116th House majority vote goes 100% up, 115th Senate vote goes 100% down.

<<-- Senate receives push to "indict" -->>


Next: v1.a 2016(304, 227) = Acidni Monkey Chow
The'll be flushing another nothingburger down the toilet. :LOL: :LOL:



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Apart from the fact that their preoccupation looks suspicious and prompts one to wonder how badly the distraction interferes with general operations of the party, members and candidates for the next election, I have to say that yet again...

... it makes the left look like bad losers. :thumbsdown:

Kinda fits with the closet-communist bent when you think about it. They say they love democracy and yet never seem to accept outcomes when the people get to vote, unless of course it's in their favour. :doh:
Monkey Man":34pu3gdv said:
Apart from the fact that their preoccupation looks suspicious and prompts one to wonder how badly the distraction interferes with general operations of the party, members and candidates for the next election, I have to say that yet again...

... it makes the left look like bad losers. :thumbsdown:

Kinda fits with the closet-communist bent when you think about it. They say they love democracy and yet never seem to accept outcomes when the people get to vote, unless of course it's in their favour. :doh:
The purpose of the US Constitution is to protect the minority from the majority. A democracy is the antithesis of a representative republic, which is what the USA is. The cornerstone of our republic is the electoral college; which is why the left wants to do away with it. Same goes with the right to keep and bear arms.
Goat":1l8646td said:
The purpose of the US Constitution is to protect the minority from the majority. A democracy is the antithesis of a representative republic, which is what the USA is. The cornerstone of our republic is the electoral college; which is why the left wants to do away with it.
Our American Democracy is exercised at the state level, the American Republic is governed at the national level.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1787 the founding fathers established the electoral college. In short, in a inpetus to hold the popular wonky vote for the "common folk" and the final vote to the "smart Washington folk" cuz duh common folk be ta dumb fa even folk music.
Yup, even 'though we don't have an electoral college, a similar thing happens here in Australia whereby results are based on seats won. A seat (an electorate) may have 5x as many folks living in it as its neighbour, but it still only counts as one seat.

This too ensures that results aren't skewed towards the heavily-populated areas, as would otherwise happen with California over in the States. It's still a fair democracy and ensures that, like in the States, one geographic portion of the country doesn't decide how the rest should "live".

Over in the UK it's a popular-vote system, but not here and in the States. Personally I prefer ours 'cause IMHO it's fairer.
Giga.Blast":25gjpo4g said:
Goat":25gjpo4g said:
The purpose of the US Constitution is to protect the minority from the majority. A democracy is the antithesis of a representative republic, which is what the USA is. The cornerstone of our republic is the electoral college; which is why the left wants to do away with it.
Our American Democracy is exercised at the state level...
Limited Direct Democracy is practiced at the state and local levels.
Monkey Man":314rjtii said:
Yup, even 'though we don't have an electoral college, a similar thing happens here in Australia whereby results are based on seats won. A seat (an electorate) may have 5x as many folks living in it as its neighbour, but it still only counts as one seat.

This too ensures that results aren't skewed towards the heavily-populated areas, as would otherwise happen with California over in the States. It's still a fair democracy and ensures that, like in the States, one geographic portion of the country doesn't decide how the rest should "live".

Over in the UK it's a popular-vote system, but not here and in the States. Personally I prefer ours 'cause IMHO it's fairer.

mate you should be glad you don't have new zealands one. We basically have 2 "big" parties and a few little ones but ultimately it all comes down to a 75 year old dude who just likes to stir up shit and get as good of a "role" as he can in the government and fuck the rest :LOL: :LOL:
Oh yeah I know bro' (see what I did there?). :LOL: :LOL:

Even more-ridiculous is that he's a friggin' conservative and ended up siding with the left, and you poor buggers are now lumped with Miss PC World™ herself. :doh:
Lollerskates. For the party in control of the Senate, the White House, the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, you sure are a bunch of conspiracy theory believing, whining little girls. It's a free country and you're free to believe anything you like. What you need to ask yourself though, aren't you the least bit scared that Trump and Giuliani are so stupid that they believe the discredited conspiracies of Valentin Nalyvaichenko over the entire intelligence community of the U.S. Government. And they are willing to do reckless and illegal acts to try to prove Nalyvaichenko's stories are real.
Fucking Ry's gonna tell us about conspiracy theories now after he's been slanging his Russia hoax for over two years. Dude, you might want to sit this one out.
lester":1wvcf2f8 said:
Fucking Ry's gonna tell us about conspiracy theories now after he's been slanging his Russia hoax for over two years. Dude, you might want to sit this one out.

Hoax? Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and 25 Russian nationals, with at least half being spies. Are you saying that William Barr's Department of Justice is responsible for perpetrating a charade on the American public? At least my conspiracy theories wind up with guilty verdicts in Federal court. Your conspiracy theories rarely get a second night on Hannity.
Krull":11twyjej said:
:LOL: :LOL: Ry is a mental midget. You know you got problems when you have to post about Trump at 6:30 in the morning...

Yeah Ry, don't bother yourself man, nothing to see here...nothing to see here

It's crazy, Jussie might not even be the best actor amongst this group either.

We may have to wait though and see what kind of skills this Brennan/Schiff whistleblower stooge comes up with.