Terrorist Attack At The Crocus Concert Hall In Moscow

So my comment to you was based on the French not being at war with anyone at the time.
Umm is Russia targeting theaters full of civilians? …and if they were, you think that’d make it okay for Ukraine too? Weren’t we just discussing this earlier in the thread?
Umm is Russia targeting theaters full of civilians? …and if they were, you think that’d make it okay for Ukraine too? Weren’t we just discussing this earlier in the thread?
Yes... They fire missiles into Ukranian cities. Hardly military targets are they. They novichok their opponents. They are filthy terrorists themselves.

It'd be great if every building in Moscow was napalmed in retaliation.
When I wrote my reply I hadn’t seen (or it may not have even been reported yet) reports that it was Muslim terrorists. I assumed it was going to be a Ukrainian group of some kind. So my comment to you was based on the French not being at war with anyone at the time. It looks like I jumped to a conclusion without all the facts. My apologies Dave.
No worries... but it looks like they have a Ukrainian soldier caught. Just sucks that 150+ people were slaughtered.
Umm is Russia targeting theaters full of civilians? …and if they were, you think that’d make it okay for Ukraine too? Weren’t we just discussing this earlier in the thread?
No, but they are targeting civilian targets which is more or less the same thing. And yes, turn about is fair play. Remember, Russia started this conflict.

Obviously from the reports this morning it was Muslims so it’s all moot anyway. I have NOT seen any news today so I’m lost as to if there was a Ukrainian soldier in their midst.

Im so tired of hearing about other countries problems. Its a total deflection and distraction about our own country.
1] I dont have to solve the war in Ukraine.
2] I dont have to fix Russia or China.
3] I have nothing to do with Gaza or Jews or abortion.
ect / ect / ect
I work, i vote when its time. My wife & I work and scratch out a living.
I play a little guitar.
I help the less fortunate when possible.
Im a good neighbor and employee.
Im honest & trustworthy.
Thats about it really.
The world can spin outta control as much as it needs to. It has nothing to do with me.


By the way the stars & stripes are RED, WHITE & BLUE not green or blue or purple or anything else.
Yes... They fire missiles into Ukranian cities. Hardly military targets are they. They novichok their opponents. They are filthy terrorists themselves.

It'd be great if every building in Moscow was napalmed in retaliation.
And the US dropped bombs on Baghdad (Let alone Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
No, but they are targeting civilian targets which is more or less the same thing. And yes, turn about is fair play. Remember, Russia started this conflict.

Obviously from the reports this morning it was Muslims so it’s all moot anyway. I have NOT seen any news today so I’m lost as to if there was a Ukrainian soldier in their midst.
I don’t know that they’re engaging civilian targets but I’m sure the warmongers would like you to believe that. And depending on who is responsible it might not be moot. The Muslims in the Caucuses were another CIA backed western project to destabilize Russia for example. Or maybe these were US trained “moderate rebels” from Syria. Who knows. Russia started it as much as the guy who punched after someone called his mom a bitch. In other words it was clearly provoked.
However for a revolution to happen the populace has to disagree with their leader which is why I say thus far the Russian populace is complicit.

And don't call me a retard, cunt.
For starters I wasn't calling you a retard fuckhead. Unless it is your opinion that the entire Russian populace enjoys living in a dictatorship. It was a general statement which you your self indicated many times here you agree with. Putin is a dictator. You said it yourself. And if you think YOU could succeed with this "Revolution" where millions and millions of Russians for just over a hundred years have failed, then I would have to amend my statement to reflect that you are in fact retarded. Is that your position, that if you were a Russian you would successfully overthrow Putin ?

Second of all, you are quite lucky you are underneath the world hurling epithets via your computer from 9000 miles away. No one ever called me a cunt to my face that didn't end up requiring medical attention.
Yeah and what do you think I think about those Muslims here and letting them into this country...

As for firearms - I'll remind you what I think of them and display no sympathy (because you never learn) at your next mass shooting which will no doubt be tomorrow or sooner since they happen with monotonous regularity. Guns aren't even really on the radar here for most people. That's fine by me. I'm not interested in them. I do however think there should be compulsory national service and weapons training here for all able bodied men under the age of 60. In addition, I think the government should have an arsenal that it is capable of distributing if required in defence of the country.
By the way, the reason the Soviets ( let's not pretend the same people aren't still in charge) have been able to successfully repress their entire population for over a century now is because THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE ONLY MOTHER FUCKERS WITH GUNS. I know you think your precious, democratic socialist government would never do that, but the Russians thought that too. And the North Koreans. Iranians, Afghanis, etc. etc. etc..

Blows my fucking mind how badly you yearn to be totally controlled and at the mercy of your government. Which is just exactly as fucked up as everyone else's government.
By the way, the reason the Soviets ( let's not pretend the same people aren't still in charge) have been able to successfully repress their entire population for over a century now is because THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE ONLY MOTHER FUCKERS WITH GUNS.
It's true. And they pulled the woke card among the intelligentsia around the turn of the 20th century, corrupting a bunch of minds, leading to the revolution. There are many russian martyrs....
By the way, the reason the Soviets ( let's not pretend the same people aren't still in charge) have been able to successfully repress their entire population for over a century now is because THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE ONLY MOTHER FUCKERS WITH GUNS. I know you think your precious, democratic socialist government would never do that, but the Russians thought that too. And the North Koreans. Iranians, Afghanis, etc. etc. etc..

Blows my fucking mind how badly you yearn to be totally controlled and at the mercy of your government. Which is just exactly as fucked up as everyone else's government

Everybody here is armed to the teeth why do you give 2 shits what Russians have it has nothing to do with you ?
I thought guns were supposed to make you feel safe ?