Halftime show

usher, little john and ludacris are played at every game ever, as well as every club for the last 20 years. i never said sexy red was good for society, and i said in my post not being overtly sexy was a good thing. i dont get how i can watch it and be pumped to see actual singing, dancing, guitar playing not relying at all on naked people but yet everyone here will hate it and want to hear kirk and his wah instead :confused: :LOL:
It’s just not very good . To me it’s music made for chicks. But I know you and some people like it , . I just hate music that’s kareoke .
Felt a little like a carnival to me, always changing to another artist or song without much feeling of cohesion. Also usher's dancing felt a bit lifeless for most of the performance compared to his backup dancers. Something with the beginning and end of moves not feeling crisp and determined. I was pleasantly surprised by a guitar solo actually making an appearance though, and overall I think this is the strongest recent halftime performance I've seen. The problem is that it was still fairly disappointing.
I played a few hours of guitar instead of wasting my life watching kid's games.. I am going to go play a couple more hours of guitar. Heck yeah.
Eh, there was free food so I spent the time making my way through that. I did manage to concurrently practice almost the whole time too though so that was a perk.

And they say Rock isn;t dead despite the fact SB hasn'thad a Rock act in 13 years.
Does Ucher play a Gibson ?

I thought it started slow but ended OK. I basically never listen to anything like that so it literally was the first time I ever heard Usher. And it’s what I thought it was so I’ll go right back to not listening to it. Same with all the ‘special guests’. That girl playing guitar…is she the ‘Nationwide is on your side’ girl?

But it wasn’t so bad for a SB halftime show. I watched it all.

Super Bowl halftimes are too long imo.
It was bad. This is what they choose over AC/DC and Metallica which is played at stadiums during the games constantly
Equity hire. They have to keep the race hustlers happy. Which is why the Black National Anthem has become common place. Al Sharpton would have a hissy fit if honkeys did the halftime show.
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Not bad! H.E.R. was definitely a highlight, but that girl can actually play, why make her lip sync? Highlight for me was Lil' Jon and Luda closing it out. legit.

Was it a rock show? Obviously not. I'd love to see rock royalty do one, don't know that it will happen tho.
It was what it was. More mind numbing nonsense for the minority of those in attendance. My 24 year old daughter (who likes metal too) sang every word and enjoyed it ( said it reminder her of Jr. High dances). I didn't hate it. Not too many of us can do what Usher did. Or are a few of y'all hiding some things from us? I'm pulling for Creed next year!
Equity hire. They have to keep the race hustlers happy. Which is why the Black National Anthem has become common place. Al Sharpton would have a hissy fit if honkeys did the halftime show.
"Black National Anthem" is somewhat of an oxymoron. What nation is this representing? Are we all (black and white) not part of the same nation? The National Anthem represents all of us. Including a black national anthem is just another way to divide us.
"Black National Anthem" is somewhat of an oxymoron. What nation is this representing? Are we all (black and white) not part of the same nation? The National Anthem represents all of us. Including a black national anthem is just another way to divide us.
I agree. This country used to be about unity. The emphasis placed on diversity just divides us. Be proud of your heritage…but be more proud of your heritage as an American. IMO.