7 String Guitar tunings?

I'm just curious as to what tunings "popular" artists are using with their 7 strings? For example I know Jeff Loomis tunes everything down a half step with his low string tuned to Bb. What tunings are some other guys using?
I think dropping the lowest string is the most common sometimes in combination with slack tuning. The only really unique tuning that I can think of in 7 string would be something like the Monuments/Tesseract/Fellsilent tuning which is like dadgad adapted to the 7 string as follows Bb,F,Bb,Eb,F,Bb,Eb/
There are so many tunings to use. Even with popular artists depending on what you're into.

Everyone mentioned what I liked already. Drop A and Drop G for me. Drop G was really awesome imo.

B standard is another or some bands go even lower. Just experiment and see what you like.

If you want to get super low I'd check some tension guides in accordance with your scale and string gauge to see how low you can get before you start getting some flub issues. Plus not all amps like super low tunings.