Advice... what is more important? Cabinet or Speakers?


So I pulled a good one, and traded my combo for a Single Rectifier head, (thanks Drucifer!) But I do not have a good cabinet. I know this head sounds killer through an Egnater 2x12 closed and a 1960A Marshall with Celestions and Warehouses.

Here is the dilemma, I only have a couple hundred bucks to spend, and while I will be eventually getting a Rectifier 4x12, here are my options right now because I HAVE TO PLAY THIS NEW HEAD!!!!

1) Buy a pair of Warehouse Reapers, build and configure a 2x12 cabinet based on the Mesa Rectifier 2x12. (I am pretty handy, but this will cost me around 3 Ben's by the time I am done with parts... (before tolex and hardware)

2) Buy a 4x12 Bugera (used from GC) for around $120 and maybe swap the speakers out later if the cabinet isn't complete trash.

3) Buy an MG series 4x12 or a Blackstar 408 (4x10) for around $250 and hope it sounds ok...

4) Hope there is a Rig-Talker in the KY/IN/IL tri-state area that has either an empty cabinet and speakers or both that they would part with for not TOO much...

Notes: I play mostly rhythm / 2nd guitar Worship stuff and just need a cabinet with smooth lows and not shrill highs, but good presence.

I really have put myself in a bind here and I have researched this until I am confused and do not know where to start, and so desperate I started considering Crate and Peavey 4x12's at the local Pawn shop... or is that not a bad idea?

:doh: :doh: :doh: :cry: :no:
You could probably pick up a used Marshall 1936 2x12 cab off CL for $250 or less, and either keep the stock Celestion G12-75s or sell the pair for $100 and pick up two Warehouse speakers to load into the Marshall. Damn close to your budget, based on option (1.) in your opening post.
As for "what is more important, cabinet or speakers?"....

They're both important, and it's kind of like asking "what's more important for my car, an engine or brakes?"

A poorly built and tuned cabinet enclosure will sound awful, and lousy speakers will sound, well, lousy.
rlord1974":2jeosojk said:
As for "what is more important, cabinet or speakers?"....

They're both important, and it's kind of like asking "what's more important for my car, an engine or brakes?"

A poorly built and tuned cabinet enclosure will sound awful, and lousy speakers will sound, well, lousy.

yeah, as a stopgap though ;)
Couldn't you stretch your budget another $100 to get to $400? If so, you could probably find a used Mesa horizontal Recto 2x12 cab and call it a day. Just make sure it has the Mesa V30s in it before taking it home!
If you have to choose, I say speakers were more important than the cab.

Had a VHT d412 , now using peavey ms412 same speakers and not a huge difference.

Yes the quality comparison is a no brainer and the VHT did sound better. The difference wasn't astronomical.
maddnotez":36xbsngh said:
If you have to choose, I say speakers were more important than the cab.

Had a VHT d412 , now using peavey ms412 same speakers and not a huge difference.

Yes the quality comparison is a no brainer and the VHT did sound better. The difference wasn't astronomical.
The key is trying the D412 without the P50E speakers ;)
Shitty cabs are not worth it, IMO. Unless you DESPERATELY need one now, hold off till you can spend one or two hundred more, it can be the difference between wasting a couple hundred on something that sucks and you will need to spend money on upgrading later on, or getting something that sounds good and can last you a while.
jsp":1isgbjk1 said:
Shitty cabs are not worth it, IMO. Unless you DESPERATELY need one now, hold off till you can spend one or two hundred more, it can be the difference between wasting a couple hundred on something that sucks and you will need to spend money on upgrading later on, or getting something that sounds good and can last you a while.

I agree 100%. If you can't afford the cab you want today, borrow or rent something while you save up the money. It's hard enough selling decent cabs used - it's near impossible to sell a dog.
Anyone had experience with the Carvin 212V's? I like the Price, Open/closed design, and the fact it is 8ohms...
If possible, JUST WAIT.

No sense in buying a couple of good speakers now, and putting them in a crap cab temporarily, just buy everything that you really want...... ONCE.
Dude, there are all kinds of deals out there for used cabinets if you look. Check your local guitar center and craigslist. I spent 5 minutes searching in your area and came up with 3 options:

Here's a guy selling a mesa 4x12 and a crappy marshall head for $300

Finally, here's a vintage Marshall 4x12 with two of the coveted 65 watt celestions for $400
You know, you really oughta look into the Two Notes Torpedo Live.

Surprised there isn't a thread about this :dunno:
The combination is most important. That being said, the speakers account for 60-75% of the sound IMO, so....speakers are slightly more important.