And you nuts have been saying that Democrats cheated!

So your premise is that another absurd, sketchy case conjured up by corrupt liberal activists abusing their power - which hasn't even been put on trial yet - somehow settles it for everyone once and for all? LMAO! Ha ha ha ha ha! You might expect that kind of logic from a Fentanyl addict but liberals have shown time and time again that they can always dig down another level of depravity and lunacy. Eh, there's something called a "court of law," and the law says you are "innocent until proven guilty." Unlike you, intelligent people weigh evidence, consider the partiality of the judge/jury/prosecutor, and research facts related to the case before developing any conclusions. It's what people with brains call "common-sense."
This fucking retard again.
So your premise is that another absurd, sketchy case conjured up by corrupt liberal activists abusing their power - which hasn't even been put on trial yet - somehow settles it for everyone once and for all? LMAO! Ha ha ha ha ha! You might expect that kind of logic from a Fentanyl addict but liberals have shown time and time again that they can always dig down another level of depravity and lunacy. Eh, there's something called a "court of law," and the law says you are "innocent until proven guilty." Unlike you, intelligent people weigh evidence, consider the partiality of the judge/jury/prosecutor, and research facts related to the case before developing any conclusions. It's what people with brains call "common-sense."
Look who's back!!!

Mr. Blah Blah Blah. Bob Loblaw himself!
While you're trying to confuse these people with facts, here's another for them. Not going to post the website or article because they won't like the source, but they could find it elsewhere if they wanted to see some truth. Hint, the truth isn't on Truth Social.

Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records: US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday.​

So you know the source is completely bogus but you post the info anyway ha ha ha ha .

The above is complete and utter bullshit by the way .
So your premise is that another absurd, sketchy case conjured up by corrupt liberal activists abusing their power - which hasn't even been put on trial yet - somehow settles it for everyone once and for all? LMAO! Ha ha ha ha ha! You might expect that kind of logic from a Fentanyl addict but liberals have shown time and time again that they can always dig down another level of depravity and lunacy. Eh, there's something called a "court of law," and the law says you are "innocent until proven guilty." Unlike you, intelligent people weigh evidence, consider the partiality of the judge/jury/prosecutor, and research facts related to the case before developing any conclusions. It's what people with brains call "common-sense."
MistaGuitah , trust me when I say this , these leftists are without question some of the dumbest people I've ever come across in my lifetime . They're beyond help . They actually believe these are real crimes LOL.
So your premise is that another absurd, sketchy case conjured up by corrupt liberal activists abusing their power - which hasn't even been put on trial yet - somehow settles it for everyone once and for all? LMAO! Ha ha ha ha ha! You might expect that kind of logic from a Fentanyl addict but liberals have shown time and time again that they can always dig down another level of depravity and lunacy. Eh, there's something called a "court of law," and the law says you are "innocent until proven guilty." Unlike you, intelligent people weigh evidence, consider the partiality of the judge/jury/prosecutor, and research facts related to the case before developing any conclusions. It's what people with brains call "common-sense."
True, innocent until proven guilty. Just please don't come here complaining that it was rigged once he gets convicted.
True, innocent until proven guilty. Just please don't come here complaining that it was rigged once he gets convicted.
He will never ever get a fair trial , that's the problem . I can tell you this with 100% certainty , if the prosecution knew Trump would get a fair trial they would have NEVER EVER brought charges .

The Judge is on the record saying she's furious Trump isn't already in jail I mean C'MON LOL.
He will never ever get a fair trial , that's the problem . I can tell you this with 100% certainty , if the prosecution knew Trump would get a fair trial they would have NEVER EVER brought charges .
See, it's starting already. Me thinks you'd be happier living in North Korea or some place like that. Then at least you'd be right about things being rigged.
True, innocent until proven guilty. Just please don't come here complaining that it was rigged once he gets convicted.
It's obviously rigged as anyone with a brain can read the charges and legal aspects of the alleged conspiracy, and researches the backgrounds of the Democrats and liberal judge can understand that without any effort. It's not just a very far stretch, it's entirely preposterous. To argue anything contrary only demonstrates ignorance of American law and government.
It's obviously rigged as anyone with a brain can read the charges and legal aspects of the alleged conspiracy, and researches the backgrounds of the Democrats and liberal judge can understand that without any effort. It's not just a very far stretch, it's entirely preposterous. To argue anything contrary only demonstrates ignorance of American law and government.
EXACTLY . What really shocked me was how democrats go after every Lawyer Trump hires in an attempt to destroy their careers , these liberals threaten to take their license to practice away for God's sakes it's horrific .

This is truly a banana republic .
abortions were just kicked back down to the state level bone head.
you can still get em of you want

since my daughter is adopted i feel strongly against it in most cases

to many couples out there who cant conceive. You got the same bitches in the clinics 5 times over with their legs spread getting it cut out of them

that i dont agree with.
abortions were just kicked back down to the state level bone head.
you can still get em of you want

since my daughter is adopted i feel strongly against it in most cases

to many couples out there who cant conceive. You got the same bitches in the clinics 5 times over with their legs spread getting it cut out of them

that i dont agree with.
Um yeah, and people in some states have to go to other states for reproductive health care. And risk getting charged with a crime if they do. Thank God it's up to the states! :confused:
I am admittedly clueless. Tell me what freedoms you have lost so I can become an enlightened one like you.

I'm not sure I want to inform you, I'm debating whether to inform you or not . I believe the only possible way for leftists to be possibly cured of the mental disorder liberalism is for something to be so devastatingly shocking to them that it forces them back to reality .
abortions were just kicked back down to the state level bone head.
you can still get em of you want

since my daughter is adopted i feel strongly against it in most cases

to many couples out there who cant conceive. You got the same bitches in the clinics 5 times over with their legs spread getting it cut out of them

that i dont agree with.
Don't forget Tonehead is a mainstream media watcher which means he believes the media when they say females can no longer get an abortion .