Andy Timmons 'Deliver Us' tone attempt w/Axe-FX


Active member

I figured I'd have a go recreating one of my favourite guitar tones, that of Andy Timmons' album Resolution, using my Axe-FX. I learned the opening riffs of the first song on the album, Deliver Us back when it first came out, so I quickly relearned and recorded them (pretty sloppy and ever so slightly out of tune) and this was the result: ... 0AxeFX.mp3

It's not dead on, but consider that the drum and bass sounds are different as well. I don't think it would take much further tweaking to nail.

The guitar used was my Nathan Sheppard NSG25, with it's BKP Knuckleduster set (I used the bridge pickup in humbucking mode for this clip:)


There is minimal post-eq on the guitar track, but it's nothing that couldn't be done on the graphic or parametric eq stages on the Axe-FX itself.


A little update:
Someone on the Fractal forum sent Andy an email linking the clip to ask his opinion, and got this response:

Andy Timmons":3uju16m7 said:
<Hey Chris,

<Thanks for sending the clip.
<Wow...not bad!! Larry Mitchell had told me about this system.
<I need to check it out someday.

<Thanks again,

<Andy Timmons

Pretty cool huh?
Oi, that Axe-FX compells me more and more. Looks like I need to get me one of those this summer :D

I at first thought you were being funny and posted the actual tune! :doh:


Im getting and axe ultra soon (before they are out!).

Any chance i can get this present?
Wow! Pretty damn close in tone! Awesome job :thumbsup: :rock:
You guys are NOT helping me with the Axe FX gas :doh: ... part of the reason I wanna sell all my stuff since I'm no longer playing out. Want to get one of thse for the home studio
You the same Nolly from Sneap Forum, sir?

Great tone, btw. Pretty ideal for this. It doesn't have enough bite for me on the very top. I've always seen that lack of top end sheen from the Axe Fx units.

Thanks for the comments guys, I didn't see that this had been bumped!

Greg, yep it's the same me! I agree with your thoughts on this clip, but this was done a good few months ago, I'm more adept with the axe-fx now. I reckon I could get a suitably realistic top end from it if I tried again :)
This one sounds much less digital than the heavy clips, still not as cool as a tube amp to my ear.

Sounds great, noneless!

Are you miking these up or going direct? Sounds like direct, but I can't tell for sure.