Are We Really Supposed to Believe...


Active member
That Tranny Jesus, Bagel and Creamcheese and several others are not Donnie B. alts?

There are two possibilities:
1. These guys just happen to act exactly like Donnie B. with the trolling and flamebait posts and all signed up around the same time but they are actually different people, or...
2. They are alts for Donnie B.

Occam's Razor.
That Tranny Jesus, Bagel and Creamcheese and several others are not Donnie B. alts?

There are two possibilities:
1. These guys just happen to act exactly like Donnie B. with the trolling and flamebait posts and all signed up around the same time but they are actually different people, or...
2. They are alts for Donnie B.

Occam's Razor.
Donnie is a character and an enigma so...........placing bets either way is fraught with danger.

If possibility 1 is the truth I'm very disappointed that there are that many cunts roaming around free. :mad:
You IDIOT!!!!!!

Didn't YOU see him on the course this morning?
I shot an 83. Not where I should be but I'm trending in the right direction. Last year I re-injured my rotator cuff (old baseball injury). I tried to play through the pain. DUMB move. I had to put the clubs down for 8 months. Over that time something has changed in my swing and I'm not sure what. Two way miss. Lost distance. My handicap has ballooned from 7 to 12. Ugh.

But I'm sure you guys don't give a shit and that's fine by me.

It was f-ing hot and humid and the pace was s-l-o-w. I'm beat. My brain says "26" my body replies with "oh ya?! take THIS!".