Bogner DI Box prototype... What happened to that??


New member
So does anyone remember seeing or hearing anything about that mystery DI box that Bogner had at NAMM a couple of years ago?
I only saw a brief glimpse of it in a video, but that tease was enough to lock it away in the old memory bank for later. Well, it's later and I'm still seriously keen to see it get developed...

Does anyone have news or info on it? Did it get canned?

I always thought, if Bogner does a DI box, it'll have to be done right and sound great.
(Now what would be perfect, is a Bogner attenuator+DI in the same box ...Am I wrong?)

Yeah I know right!?
I was just checking out the Aiken Gold Brick direct box... (it does look like a winner to be honest).
But of course I'd much prefer one by Bogner, packed with all the Reinhold awesomeness :)