BOGNER Uberschall vs 412ST

Romans 1:16

New member
I'm deciding on a new rig and have recently played the new model 20th anniv Bogner Shiva and Uberschall twin jet (both with kt88's) and didn't like how either sounded on the Ubercab. The only head I liked on the Ubercab was the 20th anniv Ecstasy with (6l6's) so I just figured I was a 6L6 guy. However, the next day I was playing both the EL34 Shiva and the KT88 Shiva with a straight Bogner 412 and really liked how they both sounded thought the 412ST.

Now I'm wondering if the reason I don't like some of the amps (different tube) is be because of the Ubercab, thus , limitimg my self. NOW I' thinking I should start over using both cabs as an A & B reference. A

ny other thoughts, opiniona or experiences with the Bogner cabs?
See if you can demo different cabs out before you buy. I'm not really sure what you didn't like about the Uberkab, so it's hard to offer suggestions.