Cab finishing options for a dummy


New member
Hey all - any advice on how to finish a cab that was made by a complete idiot (me)?

MDF cab for a rotary speaker, and while I was thinking tolex would be easy enough, I have screw heads not really flush with the sides of the cab. Staining isnt much of an option as the wood isnt meant to be pretty (layered MDF).

Are there thick tolexs that would be useable with screw heads sticking out, or any other thrifty idears?

Thanks all!

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Depending on how bad they are sticking out, tolex might not be out of the question. Just might not look the best at a few spots. There are also tons of other vinyl and fabric options too that would probably work. If you really want to go cheap and easy, you could always try speaker box carpet.
Agree with Gibsonchild. Fix the countersink depths. It will only follow you for ever if you don't.
Yep, do it right, countersink and fill. It'll only take a few minutes and you'll have the pleasure of not noticing the bumps from the proud heads ever time you look at it.