Cameron High Gain Jose Arredondo ATOMICA Amp-PRE ORDER Here!

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King Guitar
King Guitar
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Two new "MOD" models from Cameron Amplifiers to debut at NAMM 2012.

The first one will be a ground up custom build...

Mark Cameron High Gain Jose Arredondo aka "ATOMICA" MOD amp.

Mark Cameron more than anyone holds the keys to the Jose tone,

NOTE :interesting story relayed by Rig-Talks user "Chubtone" regarding the original Jose ATOMICA:

Here's a very interesting Jose story that I experienced first hand. My buddy owned a guitar shop in Huntington Beach. Mark Cameron worked for him and I was already having Mark work on my amps. This was probably 1997 when his store opened. In about 2000, my buddy bought the entire Jose collection of amps from Jose's family after Jose passed away. They took the truck down to pick them up and I left my store I own and drove to their store to wait with Mark for the delivery. The truck gets there and we start unloading Super Lead after Super Lead after Super Lead (almost exclusively metal panel amps). Someone noticed that taped to the bottom of almost every single amp was an invoice. We started turning all the amps upside down and reading off the names on the invoices: Neal Schon, Mick Mars, Bruce Bouillet, etc etc I don't even remember all the names but it was a who's who of LA rock guitarists.

All these guys had sent Jose amps for mods and then Jose passed and they never got their amps back. Well Mark and I start weeding through the amps and going for the ones that we could tell from the exterior were already modded. Very soon we found an amp that had the name ATOMICA stenciled across the front where the Marshall logo should have been. It was a '68 Super Lead and was beat to hell. This was THE amp guys seriously. It was that sound, in a box, right in front of us. Mark was playing through it and it was just that tone I had always wanted. We switched off playing it and I decided I HAD to have that amp. I went to talk to the owner who was one of closest friends at the time. I offered him $1500, he said no. I offered him $2k he said no. Now $2k was about what a very nice plexi was selling for at the time and this was a beat to hell metal panel. $2500? No. $3000!!!!!!!!! No.

He said, just let me sort through this stuff and I'll sell you the amp once I figure out what's what. Mark loved the amp so much, and there were so many Super Leads there that Mark took it and hid it in his pile of amps to be repaired in his repair room. For months, Mark would pull it out when I came in and we would play it then he would hide it again. The owner and I had an agreement that it was mine when he decided to sell it, but by this point he didn't even remember he had it. Then my buddies shop started having severe financial trouble.... severe. Mark kept telling me the amp is still there. You better get it soon. I said don't worry it's mine, your boss promised.

About 3 weeks later Mark called me..... "did you get the Atomica amp?" No, I said...... Mark said, "WELL IT'S GONE. I've torn the whole shop apart!" I called the owner and when he finally got back to me he confirmed he had sold a "bunch of broken stuff that Mark was never going to fix" to a competitor. HOLY CRAP!!!!! I called that shop and he said, "Oh yeah, the Atomica amp? I had ******* fix it and return it to stock and I sold it". Now ******* was the biggest electronics doofus you could imagine. He was a keyboard player and didn't have the slightest clue about tone. The ATOMICA amp was gone, but thankfully Mark Cameron poked around inside that amp for months and knows every little secret as to why that amp sounded so good. How much of the Atomica amp inspired Marks's "Jose" mod? More than a little I'd guess.

This amp will be built in a collaboration with world class amp builder George Metropoulous and his Metro Amplifiers Company ( and feature the best in class components and the famed Metro FX Loop.

Pricing is estimated at $2850 and should start shipping after NAMM in Jan 2012.

These are stripped down Rock and Roll amplifiers. If you want MIDI, Channel Switching and the like we have the CCV model.

If you want 100 Watts of single Channel Rock and Roll based on one of the best modded Marshalls ever, this is it. :rock:

We will have a 240V Euro version as well.

Deposit for this build is 50% via Cashiers Check/Money Order/Direct Deposit/Bank Wire or Direct Credit Card. due when placing your order and the balance when shipping.

I am starting a PRE-ORDER master list for this amplifier now, if your interested post in this thread and then please email me at with your information. Please put "JOSE ATOMICA" in the subject line. As Always First In, First Out.

Here is a clip of our own Todd Strickland with his Cameron Jose High Gain modded Marshall to give you an idea of the tone structure of this amp.

The next one will be the Cameron Aldrich MOD series amplifier which I will detail in a upcoming post. :thumbsup:
who will be building this ? george ? turret board ptp wired ?
hit her hard
pstar":1et29svx said:
who will be building this ? george ? turret board ptp wired ?
hit her hard

George, Mark and Dave Friedman have discussed the build and put together the build of materials. George will build us a base prototype amp and send it to us in Hollywood.

Mark will then hand wire in his High Gain Jose ATOMICA mod and get it just right and then play test the amp until it is perfect. It will then be sent back to George to be built by him which is a very good thing. :thumbsup:

Still in development but as of now yes PTP/turret board wired. :thumbsup:
King Guitar":22hnmrqy said:
drewiv":22hnmrqy said:
Sounds good.

Thanks Drew, got your email. Your are Numero Uno #1 on the build list. :thumbsup:

There is going to be a grand sell-off coming soon, to the classifieds section near you. It will include: guitars, amps and rack gear. Keep a look out fellas. :thumbsup:
So stoked to hear the Cameron Jose is there to stay. As a student, I had to sell my Cameron Jose Marshall about a year back because I couldn't afford to keep it, and I wasn't very confident that I'd be able to get that amp again, but it looks like it'll be on the market when I'm out of school and can afford another nice amp!
Trying to resist....resisting the CCV was tough enough :doh:

Now to decide if which one I should order, or if I can actually resist both.... :bash:
The Hoff":1l911xpd said:
Trying to resist....resisting the CCV was tough enough :doh:

Now to decide if which one I should order, or if I can actually resist both.... :bash:
HaHa....I hear ya i might just order the Jose as well :lol: :LOL: Can't go wrong with 2 of them.... :thumbsup:
Hey Brad - what about the CCM? I am super interested in one of those. I thought that was gonna happen in 2012.
killertone":16sf1wej said:
Hey Brad - what about the CCM? I am super interested in one of those. I thought that was gonna happen in 2012.

The CCM is still on the drawing board for late 2012.

Is this going to be based on a plexi look/layout ala Metro, or other?
Zachman":3mzi02bc said:
Is this going to be based on a plexi look/layout ala Metro, or other?

Marshall look but not necessarily a plexi look. Still up in the air but we are between that and a early JMP look.
Here are a few pics of my 3 channel HG Jose.


Great idea Brad. I have to say that I'm impressed to see what you have accomplished with Cameron's ears and designs and your business sense. There are a couple of well known RT'ers on the east coast and a couple of us on the west coast that talked about doing the exact same thing you are doing. But you were ballsy enough to pull it off and steer it in the right direction.

I can't imagine anyone being hesitant to put money down on a Cameron now for fear they won't get it. I'm especially happy for Mark. He is so talented but needed someone else to do that part of the business that you are doing.

I also really like the use of the name Atomica. That amp was so wickedly cool and so close to sounding like a stock Marshall. It just had that extra 10% that we have all been trying to find in an old Super Lead that was never there in any of the bone stock examples I have owned. It was there in the Atomica.

Will this amp have the Hi Gain, Low Gain Jose switch? My favorite Cameron mod of all time was my original "low gain jose" mod by Mark.
Just put my deposit down on an Atomica...Debating whether to throw in for an Old Bitch as well......

Thanks Brad...