Chords and ear training


Well-known member
I've been trying to work on developing my ear more. I can determine root notes and tell what key a song is in, and not too bad at single note stuff but man I suck at "hearing" chords other than power chords - especially under vocals. Anyone have tips on how to improve in this area? I suppose if I had one of those programs that could remove the vocals that would ears always go off and wind up following the vocals and lose the guitar in the background, then I feel like it wouldn't matter if I listen to it a billion times...I'm just not gonna pick it up.
This is something that is tough for me to explain, I guess. I've played guitar for about 45 years now. Hard for me to remember much from my early learning days.

I always advise learning some theory. What makes up a major, minor, domenant, dimenished, augmented, sus chord, etc. Play those chords over and over to get your ear in tune to their voicings. Learn your intervals, Learn that a Major 7th chord is the 1,3,5,7 of the major scale. Learn your Keys. Listen to the song and hum the changes to yourself. It is hard not to follow the melody or vocal line. That is where your ear is used to going to.

The dude in the video does a great job of explaining it, although I have a slightly different opinion on it. And every music related friend of mine says something unique LOL