Does the G-Flex take speaker changes well?

I put in some Hellatone 60L's in it, along with Randall's Mic Eliminator 212 switching box in it.
Works well!
Thanks for the reply! I have the 50 watt 5153 and wanted to get the matching cab but it's going to be a wait. Thought I would try this first, just thought I heard the ported cabs did not take well to speakers that were not designed for them.
Mic Eliminator works great. Sounds just like what is in front of the speaker without the hassle of setting up 2 mics (I run my MTS rack and G-Flex in stereo)
The only thing I had to do was change the speakers to match the impedance of the Mic Elim. I've used a Hellatone 60 in an old Peavey XXX 60 combo, so I went with them again, but with the 60L instead. Nothing like a pair of aged Vintage 30's with lower response.
BUT the Genz Benz speakers are quite good, and was quite happy with them in the cab...
The only speakers I never liked in the cab was the Peavey EVH speakers... sounded like poo...
I love my 2x12 G-Flex's but never thought of changing the speaker as I thought they have a terrific bottom end, but now you have me thinking... Have you tried the Scumback's H or J series and how do you have the Eliminator wired up?
No idea about the Scumback's.... I've had the cab 6 years (my first one burnt up, but had the GB speakers in it)

So, for the past 3.5 years, I've been more than happy with the Hellatone's. They are good tone.