Egnater Tourmaster Blowing Fuses


New member
My very reliable Egnater Tourmaster 4100 Head has had a tissy fit, It blew a fuse on powerup and upon replacement repetitvely blew the main fuse.

So I took her apart, removed all the valves and tested all fuses and also replaced blown Fuse T5 on the powr supply circuit board as well as the main fuse. Both fuses then blew again instantly on power up.

Sounds like a power supply problem to me, any ideas/suggestions?

P.S. Was overdue for a valve replacement but feel it isn't that simple unfortunately....any ideas???


I had this issue a few years ago. One of the voltage regulators was shot, and a couple of resistors were blown. Replace the voltage regulators in the power supply, and look for burnt resistors. Replace them, and have your output tubes checked. The whole cause of my issue was the power tubes went south, and took out the components. If you are good with electronics, and do it yourself, part are under $30. If you have a tech do it probably close to $100 plus tubes. easy fix.