Evertune in a Les Paul?

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I know - aesthetically, they're ugly as sin. No arguing that. But my larger concern is the routing that is required, which seems pretty substantial. Have any of you who converted your LPs to the Evertune system experienced any detriment to your guitar's tone?
I got an Evertune installed on my Explorer and it looks and feels awesome.
The routing really isn’t the issue so much as the fact that the Evertune system is riding on a spring system (albeit a heavy duty one).
The main tone difference from before and after the install was that it was less deep/boomy sounding on the low end. Otherwise I didn’t notice any other tonal difference. There is also less sustain on the higher frets and I’ve noticed that about every Evertune guitar I’ve had.

I also had an LTD EC1000 that came with an Evertune which is the closest to a Les Paul I’ve had, but it lacked the chunk of my Explorer so I sold it.

I may install an Evertune on an LP some day, but it would have be something like an LP Classic that I wouldn’t worry about modifying as much as something with a nice top.
Everything I needed to know, and then some. Thanks!
I know some people swear by the system but to me it's a no brainer... it kills sustain and any resale value of the guitar. Also you're removing a huge chunk of wood, you know the most resonant section in the middle of the body that matters the most in defining the tone of your guitar. :doh:
I wouldn't do it. Because of the whole routing a chunk thing. Also I have played a couple of evertune guitars and the bottom string seemed weird to me. Am I doing something wrong? It's like I couldn't bend the bottom string for vibrato. Educate me on this please.