Flanger placement


New member
Have a flanger on the way and plan on running it in front of my Marshall. Question I have is do you put it in front of or behind any boost/overdrive pedals. I've got a kokoboost reloaded that is always on and use a tubescreamer for solos. The Marshall is already dirty so it's already in front of dirt no matter where I put it. I know I'll try it a few different ways, but since it's not here yet, I figured I'd ask where everyone else has it. Thanks.
I put pretty much all my modulation before all ODs/boosts. It's one of the first things in my chain (right after compressor if I'm using one). I don't really worry whether it's after or before wah because I pretty much never use both at the same time.
I have a couple of old rackmount flangers (MXR and DOD) and those kill in the loop, but pedals go before gain out front
Sort of depends on what type of flanger sound you're going for. If you're going for the through zero effect or something else very "present" with a gain tone, you'll need it in the loop after all you're gain. In front of dirt works great too, but it will be more subdued the more gain you have after it. Just depends on what you want really.