Floyd Rose Brass Block and tone alterations...


Well-known member
Good evening,

I recently intalled a Big brass block 37mm in my 1H superstrat with OFR and after some time I think I will have to deal with some problems...
More specificaly:

While the block+springs+claw gave my guitar a big thump in the mids and made the sound tighter it took away some of the nice attacking high end...
Also the volume does not seem to clean up as well as it used to...

As I really enjoy the mids and the tightness the lack of a significant amount of attack is disturbing, like the guitar got a bit slower...

Has anyone of you faced the same problems and how did you deal with them...??

Thanks in advance
Yeah I’ve installed a big brass block a couple of times and always switched it back. There’s always a trade off in characteristics, and I felt I preferred the regular sized block for the same reasons you stated. But every guitar is different I suppose and reacts differently.

However, I found the OFR a good upgrade. Just seems more solid all around, thicker parts, and no wiggle in the tremolo bar like the Korean one on most guitars these days
I installed a big brass block in my CS6 and hated it . To my ears it ruined the tone . The mids were hollow and nasley. I switched it back .
If by OFR you mean the German made one that’s definately an upgrade and not where your trouble is
splatter":30ak6fgf said:
I installed a big brass block in my CS6 and hated it . To my ears it ruined the tone . The mods were hollow and nasley. I switched it back .
If by OFR you mean the German made one that’s definately an upgrade and not where your trouble is

it's the german made...
I had no trouble from the first place...
I was just looking for an upgrade...

It ssems like sometimes you win something and lose something else...