FS: Ceriatone Yeti 50W (Kruse V5 modded) *now $1100 shipped*

  • Thread starter Thread starter The Hoff
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The Hoff
The Hoff
Active member
Both amps are in excellent condition. No functional issues at all.

Ceriatone JM100. Built by the Ceriatone guys. $sold shipped

Ceriatone Yeti 50 - Kruse V5 Modded, $1100 shipped.

This is honestly the best modded Marshall I have ever played. I’ve owned lots (Friedman, Cameron, Soldano, etc). Especially for the money, it is a no brainer. I simply haven’t had the ability to play it so it has to move.

These were the notes that were provided by Kruse:

Notes about functions:

The V5 rotary switch has 5 position. Voicing 1 is switch turned all the way to left and pointing at NOON as in photo. Turn to right (clock wise) for the other voicings

The "Gain" mini switch has 3 positions with different "feels":
Middle position is least amount of gain and you can get very nice fat crunch tones with Gain Pot at noon and louder volume
Right position gets you more gain and also sounds a bit brighter, more articulate. This gets you nice high gain tones
Left position has most gain and gets you very fat, liquid high gain tones. Go easy on the gain pot here !

The LOW end switch is OFF in middle position and to left and right has 2 different low end intensities that are explained below

The 3rd mini switch is the Ceriatone ERA. I don't like what it does (diode clipping). I'd say keep it in middle position so it's OFF.

A few important notes about the 5 voicings:

Please keep in mind that for each voicing you need to use the EQ + Presence/Depth, plus the Gain and Low mini switches controls, to get almost unlimited kinds of tones.

Voicing 1: (knob pointed at NOON): Darker more modern sounding tone and offers the most warmth. This voicing is nice and smooth to play at low volumes

Voicing 2: A bit brighter than #1 and amp starts to open up a bit, articulation and clarity increased

Voicing 3: Increased mids, bite and articulation. Great for medium to high volumes. For lower volumes keep the presence and treble down a bit and go easy on Mids.

Voicing 4: Very different from the above 3. You need to keep the presence high on this otherwise it can sound fizzy. Keep treble lower and mids higher. This voicing can produce very unusual tones. Just try different controls settings. Also, you might need a bit louder than bedroom volume for this voicing to really shine as low volume suppresses a lot of frequencies that are needed here ! I like this one a lot !

Voicing 5: This is the brightest voicing and closer to a vintage hot rodded tone that has very pronouced mids, cuts through a band mix really well. Has the least bottom end, but you can get more low end if you dial out the treble and mids.

To tame any of the brighter V5 voicings the low end switch can be used for that purpose as well. It will help to make those brighter voicings sound smoother at lower volumes.

Notes for the LOW END SWITCH:

In middle position this function is OFF. To left or right is ON and one setting is more intense and than the other.
So once you turn it on your tone will be too dark, so you need to adjust your equalizer and presence control, basically dialing in more treble or select a brighter V5 voicing. The whole spectrum shifts towards the lower and frequencies so you need to compensate. Then when you turn up the volume pot, the lower frequency will be pushed more than the others. You will get some very nice tones especially for lower to medium volume playing but you need to dial it in.

Take your time to get to know everything. It's a very unusual circuit with lots of pleasant surprises. And this amp sounds best at good volumes !

Bottom line is that all 5 voicings get you a lot of different tones by just using the EQ, Presence and Depth controls. But then, in addition using the Gain and Low mini switches gets you even more different ways to dial in tones.

Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/sgnMn
Haven’t bumped this because I’m not certain about selling the yeti...I should though-don’t get to play it enough to justify keeping it.
I'd love to have it!

How'd the EVH work out for you with the NOS tubes I sent with it?
napalmdeath":2q3y1cir said:
I'd love to have it!

How'd the EVH work out for you with the NOS tubes I sent with it?
That thing sounded great. Wish I would have kept it. Was too loud. I have since purchased a power station. Would have loved to have heard it turned up.