Fulltone going out of business..

Seeing how he lasted 30 years, defeatist really wouldn't apply. If he can no longer source product from the USA, and has that much pride, well.... Good for him..
Not what I am saying, more the bowing down to being "defeated" by China and just "close up shop" if you are in America. Just give up. I completely understand a man who runs a business and wants to retire. Not the same thing at all.
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Reads more to me like the guy made a ton of money in the business and was smart enough with it over the years. He has been losing money in the business for the last few years and subsidized his own business with his private money just to keep his guys employed. He bought a 17 acre property in Tennessee with a pro recording studio and a house on it and he is getting out of the LA war zone. Seems like Mike will be smiling all the way to Tennessee.
Wasn't there some kind of brouhaha involving a cancellation attempt on Fuller a few years back? Could this be a residual effect of that?
Yeah the woke crowd came after him and guitar center dropped him. I imagine this is mostly the result of that.
dude was a bit of a dick but some great/affordable pedals came from his place. adored the big box 69 fuzz i had for awhile. oh and the plimsoul, that thing always seemed to fly under the radar.
I always liked the guy and his products. I was in on every new Fulltone pedal from the beginning, when they were in unfinished boxes w/ lablemakers stuck on. Never had any issues whether email or phone calls. Talked to him many times, especially after a new product was released.

That he had no time for the fags on TGP always amused me. They are still crying over there w/ each Fulltone Closes thread getting locked.
Wish him the best in all future endeavors. One of the first, if not the first boutique pedal manufactures.
Wasn't there some kind of brouhaha involving a cancellation attempt on Fuller a few years back? Could this be a residual effect of that?
I bet it is.
I know you cannot sell anything Fulltone to Guitar Center, they boycotted his products from some comments he made a while back.

Well..what’s he going to be in business forever?
That studio he bought in Nashville is DOPE AF!!!
Check that sh*t out my man, dayum!!

-He made his money, exit plan boxes were checked,
SEE YA!!!!