G. Lynch back in the day.

Huge fan of the OLD George, and his playing. (y)

I used to take long road trips to see Dokken and Lynch Mob, with no cares of where to sleep, eat, etc. But, since he began his phaser addiction and efforts to modernize / re-invent himself, I have only bothered to see Lynch Mob once, when they were playing 15 minutes away.

I am not complaining or "discounting" his current playing, but it does not really appeal to me.

This is cool for recent lynch shows, outside of the mob

George having taught G. lessons at Randy Rhoads Mom's studio while making guitars and selling them on the side to make ends meet.
Having been snubbed by Ozzy [twice] as lead for OO band [thank god]
The coveted years with D. Dokken.
The Lynch Mob years.
Lynch is probably the guy i look up to the most and my biggest influence.
And he's stil fuggin killing it.






