GG Antique VS GG "Standard" Demo, using PT 50


New member
Hi guys

I already posted this vid on HRI before but since i'm new here i thought that some guys on the Suhr-Forum might be interested in that comparison.

Played trough my PT 50 going to a vintage '68 4x12 with Greenbacks. Recorded in my studio.

More infos in the video

Hope you enjoy

Awesome. I have a PT100 with 412 Greenberets that I use with my GG Modern and an S4. I love that setup so. Great comparison BTW.
Cool man. I wanna get a GG Antique someday. Just curious how versatile you really find it to be, in terms of how you typically use it, as some guitars have a wide array of features, but don't get used in day to day songwriting...
Glad you like it! The GG Antique is indeed very versatile and is my choice when i only take one guitar with me. Every sound (i need) is in there in some way. I used to use it in a musical where i needed different sounds and had to change them quickly. The tone knob on this guitar is very usefull for smoother sounds. And i use it for shred stuff 'cause it plays effortless :)
Yeah man, definitely sounds great on the vid. I'm not really a Strat guy, although I have one for tracking clean guitars, but the Antique GG Modern really speaks so me.

Interesting that you used it for a musical. It really seems like it can do it all, aside from the beefy Les Paul thing, although I'd imagine the blower switch adds some firepower. I'm looking to go from Pink Floyd to Alice in Chains with a Superstrat design. Could definitely see getting one of these some day.