Headfirst Custom 50w Head


Active member
Just received my custom amp from Jason over at Headfirst Amplification. Basically a 2204 circuit with optional José style clipping and a gain mode switch. Also has 3-way bright cap selection and an FX loop. With no clipping on this thing stands toe to toe with my stock ‘81 2203, it’s really that good. With clipping engaged I can get all the gain i’d ever need and it’s some of the best modded Marshall tones I’ve heard. Super clear and defined while still being super saturated.

To top it all off, Jason is a stand up dude and super easy to work with. He built and shipped me a custom amp from Australia (I’m in the US) faster and cheaper than a lot of builders here would. I paid zero customs or duties, the amp showed up via FedEx.

So if you’ve been on the fence about hitting up Jason for a build due to the distance, don’t hesitate. Jason is truly the modded Marshall guru and I don’t think this will be my last Headfirst amp.

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