Marshall questions


New member
I'm thinking about picking up a Marshall. Trying to decide between a JCM 800 or 900. As far as the 900 goes I was looking at the high gain dual reverb 100w head. And as far as the 800 goes I'm looking at either the 2210 or 2205. I'm curious to know the pro's and con's of these and I'm kind of leaning towards just getting a 50w head. I don't play arena's. Some cool venue's like the glasshouse in pomona. But amps would just be mic'd there. Would a 50w do the trick fine? I know that with 50w you can crank it louder to get that really nice tube tone. The music is rock but with a dark side. Think queens of the stone age meets mastodon and every time I die.

There are some songs on there to give an idea of the sound.

Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, one last thing. I have a 1960a cab But I've heard a 2205 played through a mesa cab and to me it sounds really good with the v30's. What other cab's are best for these marshals?
I think the 800 is the right call between those two, though you should add the DSL to your list as well. I want to say QOTSA and Mastodon use Orange amps, which have Marshall-y mids but are darker and thicker overall. Maybe a fuzz would get you there.
Ya, I used to have a dsl. Not a fan really of the jcm2000's. I was thinking about adding a maxon 808 to the front of maybe the 2205 and possibly a boost grande.

And ya, I used to have an Orange Rockerverb. Loved that thing. Worked perfectly when I played with these guys in the past. Had to get rid of it though. Now I"m on more of a budget and my 2 channel dual rec just isn't cutting it.
Well, I'd go for the 800 then. You'll want a boost of some sort, unless you find a modded model. Friedman has a couple good options that cover that ground you might consider. Your budget will dictate some of the decision.
dbsens13":2lqvt493 said:
Ya, I used to have a dsl. Not a fan really of the jcm2000's. I was thinking about adding a maxon 808 to the front of maybe the 2205 and possibly a boost grande.

And ya, I used to have an Orange Rockerverb. Loved that thing. Worked perfectly when I played with these guys in the past. Had to get rid of it though. Now I"m on more of a budget and my 2 channel dual rec just isn't cutting it.
I had a Dual Reverb 4100 (JCM900) and a 2203 JCM800. Go for the 800. And definitely 50W. 50W is really loud, and cranked is where these amps sound best.

As for your Dual Rec, what about it isn't working for you? With the proper chain, those amps sound fantastic.
i run a boost grande in front of a dsl 100. reall nice thick sound, i think i need a eq too define the overall sound.
The dual rec just isn't loud enough. All I'm running in front of it is a tuner. the other guitar player is running a jcm 800 50w and he all but drowns me out. maybe it's a tube problem. I just really prefer the british tone too
dbsens13":3kppgqvv said:
The dual rec just isn't loud enough. All I'm running in front of it is a tuner. the other guitar player is running a jcm 800 50w and he all but drowns me out. maybe it's a tube problem. I just really prefer the british tone too
I've honestly never played a JCM but every rectifier I have played is crazy loud! Should be way more than enough i would think. U scooping? Could have something to do with it...especially with a Marshall being so middy. U could try to run a boost in front of the dual Rec to tame the bottom end as well. But with that said if you prefer the British sound, then I guess u really shouldn't have the rectifier...
dbsens13":27xtajue said:
The dual rec just isn't loud enough. All I'm running in front of it is a tuner. the other guitar player is running a jcm 800 50w and he all but drowns me out. maybe it's a tube problem. I just really prefer the british tone too
Which cab and speakers? IMO the Rectifiers really sound best with the matching Rectifier 4x12, plus the V30 mid spike works great with their voicing. I speak from experience with both amps: put some EL34s in the Rectifier, pair it with the Rectifier 4x12, and (as long as you're not running very dark guitars) I think you'll be amazed at the tone you get.
If you're using a pedal in front, you will do better with the single channel 2204, IMHO. The 2205's use diodes to boost the gain, and their clean channel just doesn't cut it (especially the earlier versions with channel bleed issues).

That said, ANY 800 is better than a Dual Reverb!!
That DR should be plenty loud. Probably just a tube thing. Take a look at a JVM. With all the tones that thing can do, and a boost, you should be covered.

dfrattaroli":2q5roj44 said:
That DR should be plenty loud. Probably just a tube thing.

Perhaps, but my money says its an EQ thing. Even with worn out tubes it should still be loud.
AndyK":2wv7afmq said:
If you're using a pedal in front, you will do better with the single channel 2204, IMHO. The 2205's use diodes to boost the gain, and their clean channel just doesn't cut it (especially the earlier versions with channel bleed issues).

That said, ANY 800 is better than a Dual Reverb!!

+1000! I've owned all the marshalls in this thread, and traded my dual rec for the 2203 I have now. The 2205 was a cool amp, but won't hang volume wise with the dual recs, nevermind the 2203/2204. My other guitarist has a 2204, and his 50watt hangs with my hundred all day. And, I agree, although my dual rec was loud, it would be drowned out by my marshal. The 800 single channels are real friggin loud amps!
Right now I'm stuck using a 1960a cab. I'd much prefer to be using a cab with v30's but I just don't have one. Funny thing is the 2205 the other guy is using is being ran through a mesa cab. his marshall head thru a mesa cab. my mesa cab thru a marshall cab. we should switch that up.

as far as eq. I'm not scooping the mids, although he is on the marshall. I believe the miss are a little past noon. treb is closer to 2 o'clock, gain is at about 2 o'clock and bass was about 10 o'clock.

I"m wondering if I should give the red channel on the clean channel a shot. i heard that is the secret weapon of this amp.
dbsens13":3spf5yza said:
Right now I'm stuck using a 1960a cab. I'd much prefer to be using a cab with v30's but I just don't have one. Funny thing is the 2205 the other guy is using is being ran through a mesa cab. his marshall head thru a mesa cab. my mesa cab thru a marshall cab. we should switch that up.

as far as eq. I'm not scooping the mids, although he is on the marshall. I believe the miss are a little past noon. treb is closer to 2 o'clock, gain is at about 2 o'clock and bass was about 10 o'clock.

I"m wondering if I should give the red channel on the clean channel a shot. i heard that is the secret weapon of this amp.
Orange cloned to modern, with a ts type boost was awesome on my dual! I pretty much had my mids at max at all times, and bass pretty low. Even thru a marshall cab with 75's you should be more than able to keep up with the 2205.. I've owned two in the last 20 years, and they're not the loudest marshalls. Just get a couple v30's and x-pattern your marshall cab..