Minimum Wage Hike in U.S.


New member
About time.

Who can live on $5 an hour? Granted, not many actually get JUST $5.15 an hour, but it's nice to see.

I'd like to see any of the Senators who voted against this bill try to live on $5.15 - or even $7.25 - an hour for a month or hell, just a week.

Morgan Spurlock, the dude who did Super Size Me, did this for 30 days with his girlfriend, and the results were less than spectacular.
It's about damn time. This is the longest the US has gone without a minimum wage increase since the program was started. This is good news to someone like me who's still working part-time jobs untill I get out of school. It's impossible to live off of the current minimum wage alone.
Just read something in that article. If the bill passes through everything it goes through, it will be 26 months before it goes in effect. Whay so damn long? I'll be out of school before them. It shouldn't take THAT long to put it in effect. It's like a teaser right now.
MitchSchaft":ee672 said:
Sure, it's good for you. But horrible for everyone else :p. Especially small business owners.

yeah, but if you think about it, they have been getting a steal on labor for a while since minimum wage was below what it should have been.
MitchSchaft":867ee said:
Sure, it's good for you. But horrible for everyone else :p. Especially small business owners.


I bet you most workers make their bosses at least 3x what they make per hour, minimum.

For example - I make $8 CAD/hr or $7.25ish US now. I sell probably $500 worth of shoes a day (on avg - sometimes its as much as $1000) for my employer on an 8-hour shift. Even if my boss only actually MADE half of that (though I know margins are usually 110% markup), he paid me $64, and made $186 profit from just me alone. And my workplace is a small business.
i work at a restaurant...and believe me they make BOATLOADS on the food. think about pay 5 bucks for a bowl of soup, and a case of the soup costs about 32 bucks. 4 bags in a case...8 bucks a bag, and about 10 bowls of soup in a bag. so, 50 bucks for 10 bowls of soup, thats 42 bucks profit on that bag alone! 164 bucks on the whole case, which cost 32 bucks.

but then you gotta think about overhead, maintainence, etc. its not JUST profit, a lot of that money goes towards keeping the business running, aside from just paying the employees. so is upping Min. Wage a good thing? yes and no. yes because 5.15 an hour is a one can live on that, thats why there are so many people working 3 jobs just to make ends meet. but if you raise the minimum, more than likely the cost of everything else is going to go up because of it. or maybe not, considering it hasnt been raised in so damn long!

hmmm maybe ill get another raise out of it...but then again, im not at Min. anyways!
JJ Pistols":45b88 said:
you think $186 goes into his pocket?

i hope not...the owner's actual profit will be whatever he has AFTER he pays all the bills, employees, maintainence costs, and for more inventory. he may only make 5 bucks! LOL
cloudnine":7a3ba said:


I bet you most workers make their bosses at least 3x what they make per hour, minimum.

For example - I make $8 CAD/hr or $7.25ish US now. I sell probably $500 worth of shoes a day (on avg - sometimes its as much as $1000) for my employer on an 8-hour shift. Even if my boss only actually MADE half of that (though I know margins are usually 110% markup), he paid me $64, and made $186 profit from just me alone. And my workplace is a small business.

you ever have any nightmares like this-
cloudnine":6b1dc said:
About time.
Who can live on $5 an hour? Granted, not many actually get JUST $5.15 an hour, but it's nice to see.

Dude! Minimum wage was never meant to server a CAREER! It is meant for young unskilled workers that need to "get by" while they learn a skill so they may "advance" into a working "career."

Lazy people who don't try to advance themselves in the work place deserve just that.

BTW - it's a typical donk move to make uneducated people more reliant on BIG government. It's their legacy.
Minimum wage is $7.50 an hour in California. If it was $5.15 an hour, I'd have two employees doing the work that I make one employee do now. So yes, the one uneducated, unskilled worker is happy that he can make $7.50 an hour and the other uneducated, unskilled worker has NO JOB.

Wow, an employer makes 3x as much as the employee makes? Did the employee work for 3 and a half years for no pay, putting every penny they earned back in to build the business? Does the employee come down to the store at 3:30am when some asshole has tried to break in and wait til 6am for a guy to get there and board up the window? Does the employee care if the place burns down in the middle of the night? Does the employee get paid their hourly wage for every hour they work, even if no one comes in and buys anything? Has the employee put his credit and financial future on the line to try and run a business and even provide a couple of jobs for other people? Does the employee lose his house if the place goes belly-up?

The minimum wage employee has no risk whatsoever, no investment in the business, no secondary education and no real skills. $5.15 an hour sounds about right to me.
Democrats have to show they are doing something. They are just positioning themselves for the 2008 election. Lets see what they do about Iraq, to me that is more pressing than the Min wage.....
blackba":50427 said:
Democrats have to show they are doing something. They are just positioning themselves for the 2008 election. Lets see what they do about Iraq, to me that is more pressing than the Min wage.....

No no no...the donks must position themselves such that the ignorant and uneducated will rely on them for EVERYTHING!
This is a stupid move all it will do is eliminate low skilled jobs which will hit many unskilled younhg black men hard. It will also cause prices to increase fro everyone including the people that make minimum wage so any increase will not make any difference to them at all. They should just get rid of the minimum wage all togther and let the free market take over.

Minimum wages are racist and were used by rich white people in South Aftica to put black people out of work.

Read what an award winning economist has to say about the minimum wage and it's racist ties.,_maximum_folly
soc_monki":d042c said:

i hope not...the owner's actual profit will be whatever he has AFTER he pays all the bills, employees, maintainence costs, and for more inventory. he may only make 5 bucks! LOL

Yeah and what if the lower money he makes casues him to say fuck this I aon't making enough money now and closes his business. Which causes all those people that got a wage increase to lose their jobs.