Most "Classical" sounding Scale and what scales did RR use?


New member
Hey guys.

I'm wondering about the "mood" of scales / modes. I wonder what you consider the most classical sounding scale or notes to add to a scale to give it that classical sound such as what RR use to use? I love it. Also, what scales did he use most often may I ask? I know he use the pentatonic, but he also made them sound classical or his leads did with most of his cool riffs in the songs..
Im sure others could answer this better than me, but I can hear a lot of aeolian,dorian,natural minor and the obvious pentatonic scales,maybe a little melodic minor/phrygian/harmonic minor modes too.Theres literally tons of study done on him,do a search...youll pull up pages of stuff..
Thanks Little B. I thought it was Harmonic minor for sure and maybe Natural minor of course and Pentatonic, but didn't know the others. :doh: Never even thought about looking it up :confused: . Thanks man. Too tired I guess. :)
I agree with the other guys, there's plenty to work on. I think of Eugene trick bag kinda sound which was A natural minor/harmonic minor.
agreed....natural minor...some diminished and harmonic minors. typical early 80's metal APPROACH...but, as we all know, his phrasing and execution was a cut above most others....

one of the best... i love his tone also.