Movement Conservation and Tension and Technique to overcome?


New member
I've been playing for many years on and off, mostly off. I'm now 53. I've played in bands, but they've always been bluesy rock bands or 80's type stuff, and it was just a few times when needed, but I love playing. :rock:

My problem is I can't seem to relax the right muscles to get enough speed to build up and I can't seem to get enough conservation of movement. Now, especially I'm told by my doctor that I have some arthritis, and this sucks. :cry:

I mean, I have the dexterity to move my hands around and chord about anywhere I want and play lead, but not fast enough it seems. I'm able to play all types of say Pink Floyd type licks and maybe even Ted Nugent and Aerosmith type licks, but I can't seem to get the Paul Gilbert or Gus G stuff, especially the latter. I was watching him and man he can play fast and with what looks like little effort? :confused:

Any help would be appreciated and especially if you can point me to some websites or videos.. I'll take any help I can get though.. I'm disciplined enough to practice, but I don't want to practice the wrong things. :D

A metronome is your friend. Start v e r y slow and then gradually speed it up a little at a time as you're able to play licks clean at faster tempos. It's not that someone like Paul can play faster than most people. Most people can eventually reach those speeds. It's just that he plays at those insane speeds so freakin' clean that you can hear each note pop out instead of it being a blurry mess. Get his Intense Rock 1 video somewhere and learn those licks. You can do it if you spend enough time with it!
Hey Richard.

I appreciate that. I have never in my life past the first year or two used a Metronome, but I do use backing tracks a lot to keep my timing on par so to speak. I seem to tense my muscles in my hand, stop breathing , etc, when I'm trying to play fast. Do you think this has anything to do with it or just need more practice? Thanks so much and I appreciate your help ! !
Richard, on another note. Love the lead / fast playing on the song "Last Rites" at your link above! Killer. Thanks man.
Thanks, Lee! If you just start of trying to play fast, your muscles will tense up and fight against one another. The metronome works like this: you practice the licks slowly and the muscles begin to relax so that your movement will get accurate and fluid. Then when you start speeding it up, it's clean. It takes a lot of patience but I honestly don't know any players who have gotten to a high level of clean speed without at least some work with a metronome or at the very least, practicing slow and speeding it up. Not sure if that's what you're after, anyway!
I agree with what Richard said. A metronome can really be your best friend. It is the pace setter. Start off slow and increase a little bit each day. After a few weeks, and then months you will see a huge improvement. Also look at your picking hand and how you hold the pick. Just making a few minor adjustments can bring vast improvements.
The reason why people don't use metronomes is because its extremely boring and repetitive...but its a great tool for timing, very effective but boring as fuck :yes:
Some people are blessed with great internal clocks like for example Eddie Van Halen...cant really learn that shit with a metronome but the trick is you still have to be clean rhythmically and accent in the right places...timing is everything :thumbsup:
Anyone have a good Metronome that they recommend? I mean a certain brand to use? I thought about using one that's online.. Thanks