
Recently when I'm writing songs I've been wanting and trying to make things as natural sounding as I can. This has had me writing a lot on piano and acoustic guitar, and using a lot of low gain voxy tones. Thusly, when I stumbled across this guitar I wanted it, as I figured I could use it on a lot of things and add something individual that maybe a regular acoustic wasn't quite fit for. And at under $300 bucks how could you go wrong.
I give you the Alvarez ABT60 Baritone Acoustic:

So far I like it, it plays pretty well, and while I'm not a fan of the D'add EXP Bronzephos strings it came with, and will replace them with elixir's at some point, it still sounds pretty good, and definitely usable when put in a mix. Really barebones as far as features, but about the same as you'll find on any acoustic in this price range. I'm also not used to jumbo sized acoustics obviously, and the 27" scale is almost too much, being that the guitar itsefl barely fits in my small recording closet.

I did a short clip using a blue reactor/ blue bluebird set up. Chain was Reactor->GAP Pre73->Fireface->Nuendo, Bluebird->Fireface->Nuendo.
That sounds pretty damn good. I just might pick one up. I'm working on an acoustic project right now and I think this can add some depth to it.
Thanks dude, it'll definitely take some getting used to as far as knowing where it'll work. It'll be nice for some pseudo acoustic bass tones for sure. :thumbsup:
Man, that's an awesome recorded sound you've got going on. Loving the super crisp high end without it being overbearing, nice job!