Need advice: Friedman Pink Taco or Runt?


New member
Hi everyone, newbie on here. Long story short I recently got a rare stroke of luck...a nice reimbursement check from my insurance company(...) Def wanna a NICE amp, been stuck in Axe Fx land for awhile now, and I wanna treat myself to some great tube tone. Thought about a Quickrod or SLO 50. But I'm really leaning towards something more compact that I can easily record with inside my little home studio, which leads to these Friedman amps. I'm up in the air, Pink Taco or the Runt series? From what FEW rock-style PT clips I've heard, it sounds great. Especially with gain set pretty high. The Runt clips don't really give a clear picture of its higher gain tone IMO. Every clip is either bluesy, dirty clean, or flat-out metal. No real rock, ya know? Let me say, tonewise, I want a mix in the ballpark of: VH1>>For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge(yep, love that heavy SLO/CAE +3 SE), Steve Stevens >>Vince Neil-Exposed(The Best...), and Zakk Wylde>>Ozzy-No More Tears album (No one seems to like that tone, I don't get it!). Also should mention I play Musciman Axis guitars, have for yrs.
So it's pretty obvious, I want that hot-rodded Marshall Plexi tone that can also get a bit heavier as well. I'm down to getting either the Pink Taco or the Runt-20. Anyone know what the difference in the dirt channels are? Is one closer to the BE100 than the other? This is what I'm lost on, as there just aren't enough clips if any, of anyone playing good hard rock stuff. A clean channel, well I'm not really concerned about that. One thing that is a requirement tho, it's gotta sound great at low volume. I can't crank up to 10 in my house. I've heard the PT-20 is pretty loud and sounds great cranked up. But I've read Dave has an optional gain-switch mod for it if needed. Now the Runt-20, I love the idea of recording direct, as I often play thru headphones. And I think it is supposed to sound great at low volume as well. I hope y'all can offer a bit of incite here as I'm stuck trying to decide which one to get. Does the OD channel of the Runt-20 compare to the PT-20? Literally, the best demo I've heard of the PT-20 is the Sweetwater one, the guy can't exactly wail but when the dirt is up fairly high, I absolutely love that sound. Hoping the Runt-20 can sound just like that, but idk. Hope maybe Dave can chime in here. Any help/advice greatly appreciated, thanks.
I own both, and they do sound different. For a straight up rockin' amp I would easily pick the Pink Taco. Granted you can't go wrong, they're both great amps and they're a little 'apples and oranges' different, so it's down to personal taste.
To me the quality of tone in the PT is a step higher.

Another contender is the Dirty Shirley Mini. A little looser and more forgiving, and it does lower gain/cleans better than the PT.
All three sound great at low volumes and can benefit from a boost pedal to push them over the edge when played quietly.
Good luck with your choice!
Thanks for replying! Correct me if I'm wrong here but doesn't the PT-20 sound more "raspy, ya know more "Plexi"? I'm def a big fan of that Marshall top-end trick...that crispy, almost biting presence. It's funny I think that's the "fizz" a lot folks don't like, idk. I'm pretty sure that PT-20 will get in close range of the old Brown Sound, but tell me this if possible...when the dirt gain is wide open, will it retain good clarity? It doesn't get "mushy" does it? The Runt seems ideal with the DI but I just can't find a great demo ala heavy rock. As I said before, they're either kinda mild OD/clean or full on metal. Like before, I really appreciate the info, dude!
Two qualities that Friedman amps share is that they retain a clarity to them even under the most intense gain, and that they respond amazingly well to the guitar's volume knob.

I spent a few hours today playing the PT, DSM & Runt 20. They're all great. The Taco has such an immediacy to the attack. The Runt has that great clean sound (the only channel switcher of the three) and the DSM is known to many as their favorite Friedman amp. Some Guitar Centers have these in stock for you to try if you can get to one.

I just read on another website: "I chose DS over Pink Taco due to the 'fuller' sound of the DS, and, to me, the less genre specific tones compared to the Taco. The DS is more Soundgarden whereas the Taco is Ratt."
Thanks for info, really helps out. Closest Guitar Center is 1 1/2 hrs away, the one nearest is in ATL, hate going there anyways....last thing: I've been checking out the Splawn Quick Rod/Street Rod combo amps, ever heard anything bad about 'em or played one?
I've been tempted by Splawn quite a few times (and there's one in the classifieds now) but never pulled the trigger and never heard one in person. I'm no longer tempted now that I've found Friedman. The clips sound a little harsh to me compared to what these have going on.