Poor Reverb' hurtin' again..

It's going to be tough to even begin to unravel how hilariously stupid that picture is, but I'll try.

pandemic - who was it that said covid was "no big deal, it's like a flu" causing most of the conservative west to simply not care about spreading it around? Republicans. Who actively fought against the vaccine for covid, and still fights it with their anti-vax nonsense? Republicans. They've done everything they could to minimize how serious it is/was, and as a consequence it has impacted the US harder overall and per capita than basically any other developed nation in the world. But in the meantime it's killed over a million people in the US and debilitated many times more people than that, which has had very measurable effects the country's workforce and production. But nah, it must just all be the Democrats' fault because there happens to be a Democrat president when people are finally feeling the effects it all.

depression - how is it a depression when corporations are showing their earnings to be the highest they've been in 70 years? It's not "a depression" it's "corporations putting their boots of the necks of people like you and me" by leveraging the global shipping and logistics problem to arbitrarily raise prices because fuck you, what are you going to do about it? Especially if they all get together and raise prices in unison? Again, they are making more money than they have in the last 70 years. Oh, and Republicans have done everything they can to remove any and all regulations that these companies might have to follow so they're extra free to do whatever they want and give you no alternatives, with basically no consequences. Relevant to this thread: Etsy, who owns Reverb, had a Q4 2021 income of $161.6 million, up 8.8% from the previous year. So they're definitely not hurting. These fees are 100% nothing but gouging their customers. But Nah. What's happening is definitely a depression caused by dang ole big gubmint, right? Nope.

gas shortage - I don't know if you're aware, but something happened in 2020 called "covid-19." Maybe you've heard of it. It basically led to everybody staying at home for the better part of a year and a half at least, which means they stopped driving around, which means they stopped buying gas. In other words, demand for gas fell through the floor. Because of that, the price then fell through the floor because there was so little demand. In response to that, energy companies stopped producing as much gas to account for the lack of demand, because storing gas costs money and it goes bad if left unused. Now, people are out driving again, but gas production takes a long time to ramp back up, which means there's a lower supply of gas while the production lag is happening, combined with a higher demand for gas overall now that people are driving more, which means higher gas prices. The thing is that this whole process took a long time to transpire, long enough that a Democrat was elected president during the later part of it. So naturally because the negative effects (higher prices) happened to take place after Biden's election, every Republican with vocal cords is now screaming that it's all Biden's fault.

But nah, let's just make a big hyuck hyuck sign blaming Biden for everything, which republicans will love because they want it to be true so bad that they won't bother fact checking or thinking about it for two seconds before buying it whole hog. To sum things up in the words of Donald Trump: "I love the poorly educated!"

I would argue that it's impossible to not talk politics in a thread about how a company is gouging the hell out of its clients, and the political landscape in which that company exists and is allowed to operate that way. Seems perfectly on-topic to me. :)
Just stop it with your well thought out, rational argument, it’s wasted on them. It’s much easier for them to mindlessly blame Biden.
The inflation rate in the US is currently around 8.3%, in Europe its 9.9%. CURSE YOU BIDEN YOU EVIL GENIUS, CURSE YOU!!!
If you actually look at the data, you will see how Biden has impacted the gas/oil markets for the worse. He even flat out said multiple times he was going to destroy the fossil fuel industry.
As for data, look at the iea.com website for oil production worlwide by year. In the Obama days and prior (even republican years) domestic oil production was anywhere from 10-15million barrels per day. During Trump years we were up to 21 million barrels oer day…Biden gets in and what happens…2021 we were at 10million again. Also you will see that prior to Trump years we imported much more oil than use our domestic and we are back to that again.
The next place you will want to look is blm.gov and check out the leases, again you will see Biden’s impact on them.
FWIW I think Trump is an ass, but his energy policies did actually work for us for once.
Now with Biden dumping our oil reserves, prices of course have come down alittle, prior to election. Pre-rona our gas prices were 2-2.50 per gallon…during rona was 1.50ish. And now about 4.00.

The thing noone is mentioning is the price of diesel…it is almost $6.00 a gallon here and our emergency supply is down to about 25 days I read…
Let’s not forget that Trump sent Jared to Saudi Arabia to negotiate for lowering oil production, because US fuel corporations exorbitant profits were down, and production hasn’t been ramped back up since. But Biden….
Ounce for ounce, here in Texas, I can buy gas cheaper than milk, bottled water, soda, beer and coffee… what’s cheaper to produce?
It’s much easier for them to mindlessly blame Biden.
As much or perhaps even more as Leftist DNC blames most of the current problems on Trump.

Remember the Clinton years? I do and I voted for him. One of the last overall effective Executive branch leader we had. None were perfect. No one is. Especially any politician. Know more about what you're dealing with and adjust your expectations.

We do not have those types of politicians in number today in either executive or legislative branches. Anyone that kept up with the events of those days (Bill Clinton) should remember inspite of all the soap opera, petulant, hyperbolic, histrioinc, distractions and non-parity House and Senate things still got done. They were amazingly able to compromise. Clinton left with the federal budget in respectable shape. Of course if you were the pedestrian variety consumer of the media of that day you remember more about Monica Lewinski's stained dress, Linda Trip et al, Vince Foster, Ken Starr, and the Clinton impeachment.

"________ sucks, the country's in the worst shape it's even been in and it's all ___________ fault".

Insert whatever name you want. It doesn't matter.

Whatever picture you come up with as to the how and why....well you're on your own. How important is it to you? How much time you got to vet all the agendas du jour. Spend as long as you want and you still won't come away with the whole story. But whatever you come up with it will be better than taking face value all the paper, digital, and televised garbage that is more Jerry Springer entertainment than serious objective journalism, which we haven't had in this country for many decades.

No........what we have today is jaundiced propaganda spun to suit agenda of the particular political machine spewing/slobbering it.

Pick your poison of a few of the popular ones. Faux News, OAN, Whacko-News Max, DMSN-DC, CNN.....many, many more. Various venues, various media platforms.

Many problems have been quietly simmering for years. Only being a big deal when they finally become one. I'm surprised they haven't blamed the useless Iraq and Afghanistan wars on Trump. Hell they might have. I don't know and don't care. Lives and billions of dollars pissed away with nothing to show for it except enriching the Industrial Miltary Complex's pockets. Yes this means you Dick Cheney (among others) you piece of shit.

Lots of things askew politically, socially, and economically. And not just in USA.

The economy is an incredibly complex monster. The Federal debt, and trade dificits have been ill for a number of years. ALL of the current problems thereof cannot be blamed in total on the current administration. Every administration inherits problems from the previous. The current one is no different.

The economy and Federal Reserve. The time of reckoning is here and there are no good choices. Powell is no Paul Volker, and it is a much different economy than 1980's. It's almost always a bad idea to apply quantitative tightening and raise interest rate at the same time. The blind leading the blind and they don't have a true clue of the abyss they're staring into. They've been kicking the proverbial can down the road at least in part since 2009. They are at the end of the road. No good choices. No soft landing.

We used to have a Southern border.

The dearth of poitical leadership has grown worse with each subsequent administration. The time of reckoning is here and THERE REALLY ARE NO GOOD CHOICES. Another 2yrs and it will be time for that election.

Jeez man....we started out with Reverb as subject matter. Yes, the politicizing is fatiguing. It's a big stinky kettle of fish. The fact that we find it increasingly difficult to not let politics creep into the most benign discussion is telling. It really is.

My pipe dream outside of all that is for as many people as possible, conducting discussions, to be able attack the issues instead of each other. That is one of the biggest problems I see today. I turned 64 today. My parents were hyper political, and it rubbed of on us kids. I don't ever remember times quite this bad, in that people quit having open honest discussions about all this. To be able to agree to disagree and constantly question the status quo. But in a healthy way and own it! That has never been perfect either. But people to day have quit talking. On the street, and in the Legislature.

I try not to be dogmatic, but we as a society have lost a lot of that.
Let’s not forget that Trump sent Jared to Saudi Arabia to negotiate for lowering oil production, because US fuel corporations exorbitant profits were down, and production hasn’t been ramped back up since. But Biden….
Nope…Trump opened up our production and like the figures show, we were up to 21 million barrels per day. Our oil is more expensive to produce (fracking etc) so Opecs response was to increase production and flood the market with supply of their cheaper oil. Oil dropped to what $20 a barrel. I like to think we were all winners at that point. Do your research and see what actually transpired, it is all in the iea and bureau of land management websites…not what the news channels spin.
Biden has said multiple times in interviews he wants to put our fossil fuel industry out of buisness…his policies are doing a pretty swell job of it.
Not going to go down the politics rabbit hole, or I’ll probably blow a gasket.

But yeah, reverb sucks. Take way too much for what it is. Would rather sell on forums, Craigslist, or marketplace.
It's going to be tough to even begin to unravel how hilariously stupid that picture is, but I'll try.

pandemic - who was it that said covid was "no big deal, it's like a flu" causing most of the conservative west to simply not care about spreading it around? Republicans. Who actively fought against the vaccine for covid, and still fights it with their anti-vax nonsense? Republicans. They've done everything they could to minimize how serious it is/was, and as a consequence it has impacted the US harder overall and per capita than basically any other developed nation in the world. There's even statistical data now that shows left-leaning people get it less and its symptoms are less severe than conservatives, who get it more often and fare worse with it. Even now, conservatives are shown to be, by far, the most potent infection vector of the virus. And contrary to conservatives' persecution complex, it's not because there's some conspiracy to take out "Good Innocent God Fearing Christians," it's simply because liberals are more likely to have been vaccinated, because they're more likely to follow science. But in the meantime it's killed over a million people in the US and debilitated many times more people than that, which has had very measurable effects the country's workforce and production. But nah, it must just all be the Democrats' fault because there happens to be a Democrat president when people are finally feeling the worst, most compounded effects it all.

depression - how is it a depression when corporations are showing their earnings to be the highest they've been in 70 years? It's not "a depression" it's "corporations putting their boots of the necks of people like you and me" by leveraging the global shipping and logistics problem to arbitrarily raise prices because fuck you, what are you going to do about it? Especially if they all get together and raise prices in unison, which they are doing. Again, they are making more money than they have in the last 70 years. Oh, and Republicans have done everything they can to remove any and all regulations that these companies might have to follow so they're extra free to do whatever they want and give you no alternatives, with basically no consequences. Relevant to this thread: Etsy, who owns Reverb, had a Q4 2021 income of $161.6 million, up 8.8% from the previous year. So they're definitely not hurting. These fees are 100% nothing but gouging their customers. But Nah. What's happening is definitely a depression caused by Democrats and their dang ole big gubmint, right? Nope.

gas shortage - I don't know if you're aware, but something happened in 2020 called "covid-19." Maybe you've heard of it. It basically led to everybody staying at home for the better part of a year and a half at least, which means they stopped driving around, which means they stopped buying gas. In other words, demand for gas fell through the floor. Because of that, the price then fell through the floor because there was so little demand. In response to that, energy companies stopped producing as much gas to account for the lack of demand, because storing gas costs money and it goes bad if left unused. Now, people are out driving again, but gas production takes a long time to ramp back up, which means there's a lower supply of gas while the production ramp-up lag is happening, combined with a higher demand for gas overall now that people are driving more, which means higher gas prices. The thing is that this whole process took a long time to transpire, long enough that a Democrat was elected president during the later part of it. So naturally because the negative effects (higher prices) happened to take place after Biden's election, every Republican with vocal cords is now screaming that it's all Biden's fault.

But nah, let's just make a big hyuck hyuck sign blaming Biden for everything, which republicans will love because they want it to be true so bad that they won't bother fact checking or thinking about it for two seconds before buying it whole hog. To sum things up in the words of Donald Trump: "I love the poorly educated!"

I would argue that it's impossible to not talk politics in a thread about how a company is gouging the hell out of its clients, and the political landscape in which that company exists and is allowed to operate that way. Seems perfectly on-topic to me. :)


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Multiple independently conducted double-blind studies have shown ivermectin to be as successful at treating covid-19 as a placebo (which means ivermectin is exactly as effective at treating covid-19 as things like just closing your eyes and wishing really hard to be cured).

But by all means, keep on slammin down that horse dewormer until you can no longer control your own bowels. I'm sure that will definitely show all those libtards a thing or two. :D
Multiple independently conducted double-blind studies have shown ivermectin to be as successful at treating covid-19 as a placebo (which means ivermectin is exactly as effective at treating covid-19 as things like just closing your eyes and wishing really hard to be cured).

But by all means, keep on slammin down that horse dewormer until you can no longer control your own bowels. I'm sure that will definitely show all those libtards a thing or two. :D
yes because the 5th booster will definitely work this time 🤣🤡🤣
yes because the 5th booster will definitely work this time 🤣🤡🤣

hahaha holy shit I'm speechless

you guys are great :D

Also while we're at it @Zachman we may not agree on politics but you seem cool in general otherwise. I've always dug what you've done with your rig, even since back in the Harmony Central days. It was always cool to see somebody flying the huge rack flag that high.

Anyway, no matter what we all think about politics in general I think we can all at least agree that Reverb is being run by douches at the moment.
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I recently listed two boutique amps, 1x12 cab and a bunch of pedals on Reverb, Craigslist and TGP. They all sold on Reverb. Mostly tire kickers and people looking to trade in Craigslist and TGP. Like it or not, Reverb still seems like the best way to sell.
I recently listed two boutique amps, 1x12 cab and a bunch of pedals on Reverb, Craigslist and TGP. They all sold on Reverb. Mostly tire kickers and people looking to trade in Craigslist and TGP. Like it or not, Reverb still seems like the best way to sell.
Reverb gets you the exposure, but you pay for that in higher fees, etc.
I guess it's the way of the modern worlds - everyone wants a bigger piece of your pie,
hahaha holy shit I'm speechless

you guys are great :D

Also while we're at it @Zachman we may not agree on politics but you seem cool in general otherwise. I've always dug what you've done with your rig, even since back in the Harmony Central days. It was always cool to see somebody flying the huge rack flag that high.

Anyway, no matter what we all think about politics in general I think we can all at least agree that Reverb is being run by douches at the moment.

I appreciate you saying so. I figure no matter where I go, there I am-- so I try to have a good time

As much or perhaps even more as Leftist DNC blames most of the current problems on Trump.

Remember the Clinton years? I do and I voted for him. One of the last overall effective Executive branch leader we had. None were perfect. No one is. Especially any politician. Know more about what you're dealing with and adjust your expectations.

We do not have those types of politicians in number today in either executive or legislative branches. Anyone that kept up with the events of those days (Bill Clinton) should remember inspite of all the soap opera, petulant, hyperbolic, histrioinc, distractions and non-parity House and Senate things still got done. They were amazingly able to compromise. Clinton left with the federal budget in respectable shape. Of course if you were the pedestrian variety consumer of the media of that day you remember more about Monica Lewinski's stained dress, Linda Trip et al, Vince Foster, Ken Starr, and the Clinton impeachment.

"________ sucks, the country's in the worst shape it's even been in and it's all ___________ fault".

Insert whatever name you want. It doesn't matter.

Whatever picture you come up with as to the how and why....well you're on your own. How important is it to you? How much time you got to vet all the agendas du jour. Spend as long as you want and you still won't come away with the whole story. But whatever you come up with it will be better than taking face value all the paper, digital, and televised garbage that is more Jerry Springer entertainment than serious objective journalism, which we haven't had in this country for many decades.

No........what we have today is jaundiced propaganda spun to suit agenda of the particular political machine spewing/slobbering it.

Pick your poison of a few of the popular ones. Faux News, OAN, Whacko-News Max, DMSN-DC, CNN.....many, many more. Various venues, various media platforms.

Many problems have been quietly simmering for years. Only being a big deal when they finally become one. I'm surprised they haven't blamed the useless Iraq and Afghanistan wars on Trump. Hell they might have. I don't know and don't care. Lives and billions of dollars pissed away with nothing to show for it except enriching the Industrial Miltary Complex's pockets. Yes this means you Dick Cheney (among others) you piece of shit.

Lots of things askew politically, socially, and economically. And not just in USA.

The economy is an incredibly complex monster. The Federal debt, and trade dificits have been ill for a number of years. ALL of the current problems thereof cannot be blamed in total on the current administration. Every administration inherits problems from the previous. The current one is no different.

The economy and Federal Reserve. The time of reckoning is here and there are no good choices. Powell is no Paul Volker, and it is a much different economy than 1980's. It's almost always a bad idea to apply quantitative tightening and raise interest rate at the same time. The blind leading the blind and they don't have a true clue of the abyss they're staring into. They've been kicking the proverbial can down the road at least in part since 2009. They are at the end of the road. No good choices. No soft landing.

We used to have a Southern border.

The dearth of poitical leadership has grown worse with each subsequent administration. The time of reckoning is here and THERE REALLY ARE NO GOOD CHOICES. Another 2yrs and it will be time for that election.

Jeez man....we started out with Reverb as subject matter. Yes, the politicizing is fatiguing. It's a big stinky kettle of fish. The fact that we find it increasingly difficult to not let politics creep into the most benign discussion is telling. It really is.

My pipe dream outside of all that is for as many people as possible, conducting discussions, to be able attack the issues instead of each other. That is one of the biggest problems I see today. I turned 64 today. My parents were hyper political, and it rubbed of on us kids. I don't ever remember times quite this bad, in that people quit having open honest discussions about all this. To be able to agree to disagree and constantly question the status quo. But in a healthy way and own it! That has never been perfect either. But people to day have quit talking. On the street, and in the Legislature.

I try not to be dogmatic, but we as a society have lost a lot of that.


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Just stop it with your well thought out, rational argument, it’s wasted on them. It’s much easier for them to mindlessly blame Biden.
The inflation rate in the US is currently around 8.3%, in Europe its 9.9%. CURSE YOU BIDEN YOU EVIL GENIUS, CURSE YOU!!!


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