Ratt Lay it Down tone

No, you would get the total sound of the first amp with a legit line out....they are taken off a speaker tap, to my knowledge anyway. I first used a line out on my first C+, a 60w to run into the S400 power amp. It was the full amp sound...vs when I used just the send of the loop, which is just the preamp tone. If you run into the return of a loop, which is the same as a single line in, then it's just the power section of the second amp.
Ahhh thank you for clearing that up. In my head I was thinking FX Send and Line Out were the same thing, but you're right, line out is taken off the speaker tap. Good to know - thanks (y)
Ahhh thank you for clearing that up. In my head I was thinking FX Send and Line Out were the same thing, but you're right, line out is taken off the speaker tap. Good to know - thanks (y)
In case you have a vintage amp, or any amp that doesn't have a line out/loop you can buy a Bray line out box for around 50. Has a level knob, and push/pull for ground lift. Works great with my old Marshalls.
This is the tone right here 🔥

This also for me was their best album..production, power, mix. It's awesome. I also thought this one was for sure the beginning of the SLO era but others say otherwise here. Either way, awesome album. Crosby was still very functional on this one and played on it. I remember reading an interview with him around this time and he said he was super pumped for the album to come out as he thought it was the best yet. I remember agreeing when i put my paper route money together to buy the cassette.
This also for me was their best album..production, power, mix. It's awesome. I also thought this one was for sure the beginning of the SLO era but others say otherwise here. Either way, awesome album. Crosby was still very functional on this one and played on it. I remember reading an interview with him around this time and he said he was super pumped for the album to come out as he thought it was the best yet. I remember agreeing when i put my paper route money together to buy the cassette.
The one album I don’t have any interview quotes on is the reach for the sky album lol but here’s some quotes from Warren in interviews for the dancing and detonator albums
If it's as simple as slaving a superlead, it should be easy to recreate. Same as if it's just a couple of zeners on a superlead...
I love lay it down. Tempted to try these things

You're right about the recording equipment playing a big factor. But the harmonic content of the tone shouldnt change much
You can easily hear the studio compression on the intro to this tune. Makes it pop. I’m sure the tone from the amp was great though. Can’t polish a turd.