Recto solo rev F the eptiome of recto tone?


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Howdy !! Just wanna know if someone who is from the Fryette and Wizard camp, will he/she be blessed with the rectifier ?
Howdy - i'm from the Wizard MTL camp and my experience was my Rev F recto smoked it for the type of tones I personally like.

More aggressive highs and more present up front in the mids.

Sold the Wiz and kept the Recto.

Both great amps of course... you're dealing with minor % differences once at this tier
I dig the Rev F.....particularly the Rev F triple. It is more similar to a Rev G than different, but being slightly tighter and brighter makes me dig it more. For the stuff I play now, I likely wouldn't even need to boost a Rev F, whereas I always boosted a Rev G.

Cool amps....but definitely wouldn't give up either an Ultra-lead or a Wizard to get one.
I dig the Rev F.....particularly the Rev F triple. It is more similar to a Rev G than different, but being slightly tighter and brighter makes me dig it more. For the stuff I play now, I likely wouldn't even need to boost a Rev F, whereas I always boosted a Rev G.

Cool amps....but definitely wouldn't give up either an Ultra-lead or a Wizard to get one.

Am weary that the fizzy topend would get where my fuzz is about... the Wizard MTL and MC2 is non fizzy topend kinda amp together with the Fryette UL .... i like these amps as in my opinion its a "cleaner" amp
Rev F isn’t IME the “epitome of Recto tone”, but they are still great (the next best option) and a lot more attainable than the revisions before it and will give you a flavor very different from Wizard or Fryette
I find rectos super boring . Rec f included. But with boost it’s gets ok for me. It’s definitely solid but just …idk . Underwhelmed after the image presented
IME if you're going to boost a Recto, nearly any of them will give you That Tone. If you don't want to boost it, you might get away with an F depending on how tight/immediate you want it to be.