Running a Full Band From a 6U Rack


Well-known member
I finally managed to package down the smallest live set up for our live show. I am cheating however... I didn't include the bassist Kemper haha!

1 Power/Lights
2 Antennae for In Ear Monitors and G55
3 Line6 G55 Digital Wireless
4 Focusrite 18i20 (18ins and 20outs)
5-6 AxeFX 2

Bass - Kemper directly into Channel 1 on the front of the Focusrite
Vocals - Mic plugged directly into Channel 2 on the front of the Focusrite
Drums - Mics are plugged into an external mini mixer digitally over ADAT expansion into the Focusrite ADAT port
Keyboards - Plugged into rear Channel 5 and 6
AxeFX - Plugged into rear Channel 3 and 4

The front of house gets outputs from the guitar, bass, vocals, keys and drums. And we can fall back on a pre-mix if they suck.
The inears can do what ever we want them to, feed us mixes, or just a click if there is wedges. (I hate full in ear mixes)

Finally to reduce pedal size, I use a single MIDI Mouse. I can go up and down presets or have a linear set with only up. OR I can set Cubase to program patch changes.

At bigger shows I bring the Palmer Macht and run an FX out from the AxeFX with no cab so I can get stage volume!

Hope this helps anyone else

I really enjoy Artax and your older videos. You are a super talented guy.

My fav is your cover Runaway followed by Light Of Day.

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Kinda doing the same, only I'm still bringing fulls stacks and 8x10s. I need it louder than that.
Good luck! The digital mixer can be a total mind fuck haha. That's alot of wattage haha, I just bring a 2x12 since most of the venues are 250 folks max. \m/