Scales and root key


New member
I've got a problem. I can't get through scales.
Currently I play in Drop C and I'm messing with Pentatonic Minor scale. The pattern is : 1,b3,4,5,b7
So If we have Pentatonic Minor in C(the root is the C) the notes will be : C, Dsharp, F,G , Asharp.

If the root is C note , I MUST begin my solo or whatever from this C note or I can move through notes which I mentioned ? (C, Dsharp, F,G , Asharp) For example can I begin with G , then F,G,C,Dsharp,G,C,Asharp etc ... ?
Well it sounds like what you're getting into is called modes. You can start a solo on what ever note you would like (as long as its in key). Try coming up with a run and then have someone play the chord changes behind that. Then move that run around until you get the right feel. Now what I mean by moving the run around is start using different notes in the key not just moving it up or down a half step or whole step, but feel everything out. It seems like you have a decent grasp of what you want to do, but learn more scales. It will always help, trust me when you can map out a fingerboard from memory you can never get lost. ;)